Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow


To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!


Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


New study reveals that people who make good decisions have an unfair advantage – AFRU

Dear heaven… are people really that stupid, or is this a satire site?

Yeah, “Open air concentration camp”. Nice building, nice grounds…

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok

Another two videos on pre-October 7 Gaza:

I had relatives that were murdered in Auschwitz. This and there look nothing alike. Not the buildings, not the clothes, not anything.

Now tell Hamas and Hezbollah. Oh, and remind them and all the panty-twisters that if weapons are stored in these places, or if they’re used as bases for military purposes, those protections go away. And isn’t this a war crime too? Because my understanding is that “dumb” unguided munitions being fired at known civilian targets – cities – is a war crime under the Geneva Convention.

Tell me what other nation would tolerate this?

Not if you’re male and either White or Asian.

Too bad for the enemedia that the internet actually has a memory.

I don’t know if his record has been restored. But just the mere fact that it got edited… remember, these people are MISSIONARIES and no skullduggery is too small – or too large – to not do if it serves THE CAUSE. They don’t even need to have explicit direction to do it from above.

Ideological Superorganisms – Granite Grok

People with too much time, money, and vanity on their hands.



From here (bolding added):

When The System Finally Crashes, Barack Obama Signed Legislation In 2010 Allowing The Banks To Take In Your Deposits To Make Themselves Whole

Read that again

“In 2010, the United States passed the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. I’ve just got to pause. The Wall Street Reform, the Consumer Protection Act, you gotta love those titles. Right….

In this law, they clearly outline how failing financial institutions, AKA your bank, are legally allowed to bail you in, to take your deposits to make themselves whole if their failure represents a systemic threat to the system.

So if the house of cards collapses again, and this time, the lender of last resort, the Federal Reserve can’t intervene, well, we know exactly what they’re gonna do. And while it hasn’t happened yet in the United States, we can look at what’s happened in other countries to understand”

Doubtless part of the plan.

Collapse. Seize assets. The People own nothing, and they’ll be happy… to be alive. And very timely:

Obama’s Strategy of Socialist Conquest – American Thinker


Protection money. I.e., jizya tax.

We in America (and the world too) face a toxic brew of TDS-addled LIVs whose lack of knowledge is fueled by the Leftist enemedia controlling the information flow.

And where’s his phone? Deep in the no-touch vault of the FBI? Or already conveniently “misplaced”? Related:

I know people who will acknowledge the above, acknowledge the chaos worldwide that wasn’t present during the Trump years, will acknowledge all these and much more, but will still vote “D” because ORANGE MAN BAD.

First world purchases.

Cue the “Chickens voting for KFC” idea again.


From here (bolding added):

The DNC & Kamala Harris Are Full Blown Communists. Never Forget How Radical The Democrat Party Has Become, These People CAN NOT Win

New York Democrat Congress Candidate openly talking about putting MAGA supporters in reeducation camps

“Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this, MAGA nightmare and and reeducating, basically… reeducation camp. I don’t think we really wanna call it that. I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it”

When your enemy tells you their plans for you, believe them.

KY Gov Beshear wishes for someone in JD Vance ‘s family to be raped – Flopping Aces

When they gaffe and tell you what they really think of you, believe them. On the above:

Viciouser And Viciouser – Liberty’s Torch (

Related, from here:

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators, terrorists, supported by the shitcratic party, are burning American and Israeli flags near the Israeli Consulate General in Chicago.

“To hell with this country! Burn her!” shouts one of the left activists

This is what the leftist bastards call peaceful protest.

Moonbattery Ideal Democrat Immigration Policy Summarized – Moonbattery

And not just in the US:


But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors there is no “Two Tier Justice”!



And you don’t deserve any. Not just because of Israel… because of what you do to your own people.


OOH, yes. And I’m very grateful to him for that.

OTOH, I met him at a meet-the-candidates event in the 2008 election cycle. Couldn’t even control his own fans who were loud and very obnoxious. Just one word from him to them telling them to behave and respect others who wanted to hear from the other candidates… just one word. But silence.

Any foreign country.

File this under “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof”. But… intriguing. How could this be verified, because I’m SURE Barackus would have arranged for the original to be removed were such a thing to actually exist.


Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


The End Of The Totalitarian Road – Liberty’s Torch (


The Khazarian Myth:

Why Ashkenazi Jews Are Not Descended From Khazars — and What It Means – The Forward

Ashkenazi Jews and Khazar Theory | Unpacked (

Moonbattery Church of England Drops the Word Church – Moonbattery

Conquered without a shot.

2024 and elections in general:

What Happens When the Regime Steals the 2024 Election? (

Good question.  Long, and grim.  And it brings to mind this short piece I did. 

Just yesterday I walked around my yard thinking “I’ll miss this”.

That’s close to a peg-out on my “Savage Meter”…

Irons in the Fire: So anything from the USSS cannot be trusted, and (

Anything from fedgov in general.  Related, to me at least:

Arrogance or Stupidity? | NC Renegades

Bayou Renaissance Man: Your home WiFi network may be spying on you

Everything’s spying on you.  Bet on it.  Even your new car:

Modern Cars Are Spying On You – YouTube

Your car may be listening, watching and collecting your data (

IIRC Subaru’s new cars default to your accepting that your conversations are recorded and analyzed.

Subaru is Listening to You (Whenever you’re talking inside your car, that is) | Subaru Ascent Forum (

Good news: Subaru is one of the less privacy-invading connected car makers tested.
Bad news: It’s still invasive and Subaru is recording every word said inside your car and can market the data gathered. Data could (theoretically) be subpoenaed. Story example is; driver from non-abortion state goes to another state to obtain abortion.

Repeating: One of the LESS privacy-invading cars.

Your TV Is Spying on You, but I Can Show You How to Make It Stop – PJ Media

The Impact of The Recent Shadowy Data Breach in [Market-Ticker]

The Jab, Vaccines, and Health in general:

Merck MMR case ruling: “You can defraud the American people when government agencies go along with it” (

‘Laughable’: Experts Rip CDC Report Claiming Childhood Vaccines Saved 1.1 Million Lives • Children’s Health Defense (

Child Mask Mandates Have No Clear Benefits and Cause Harm, BMJ Review Finds – The Daily Sceptic

Scarlen Valderaz: The American Diet and Medical System Are Killing Us | The Patriot Post

EXCLUSIVE: New Docs Reveal Biden Admin Knew Fauci’s Agency Lied To Cover Up Dog Torture Experiments | The Daily Caller

From Dust to Green: The Ever-Shifting Sands of Climate Alarmism – Flopping Aces

The irony of the climate alarmists’ narrative is as rich as the verdant deserts they never saw coming. Once upon a time, the world was supposed to be swallowed by an ever-expanding Sahara, with desertification hailed as the “greatest environmental challenge of our time.” Fast forward to today, and the alarmists have pivoted yet again, now fretting over the unexpected greening of these very same arid lands. It’s a classic case of moving the goalposts, and one can’t help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all.

This was one of the “tells” that drove me to switch from being a climate alarmist to a skeptic.  A scientific theory must be falsifiable.  It must contain testable things.  When, no matter what happens, it’s ALWAYS “climate change” then it’s not a theory.

Migration / Great Replacement:

Has mass Muslim immigration destroyed Germany? (


Are You Stacking? | NC Renegades

Another failure point.

Bayou Renaissance Man: Economy watch: Don’t believe the politicians. No improvement is in sight.

Taxing Unrealized Gains Would Obliterate The U.S. Economy (

Remember this brilliant Bill Whittle video?


Well… – Nobody Asked Me… (

Electric car fire shuts down highway.


Pick of the Post:

New Oxford study shows ONLY the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died (

There needs to be an accounting for ALL who pushed this gene therapy. Do recall this video and, again, note the dates she’s discussing. And they’re STILL giving – and pushing – these shots.


Palate Cleansers:

TGIF! I’ll show myself out…


And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

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    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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