Night Cap: The Boston Globe Bails on Biden, But Before They Do …

by Skip

It is amusing to watch the Democrat and Media “Mea Culpas. Did they know Joe Biden had dementia before the Debacle of that Debate?” Does that make this a ‘Coverup is worse than the crime?”

And the crime is not that they knew he wasn’t all there. It was their attempt to gaslight the rest of us (already aware of the game being played), suddenly expressing disbelief, “HOW didn’t WE KNOW?” and expecting us all to buy into their self-delusion that they didn’t know. Of course, they all knew—they were just trying hard to protect their ideological brother from the rest of us.

Silly creatures! And they still have to wonder why we hold them in such low esteem.

And, of course, lots of Mea Culpas are forthcoming, as well as “NOW, WHADDA WE GONNA DO ABOUT BIDEN?!?!?!?” (sorry for all caps, but it accurately describes their discombobulation).

‘Pro-Democracy’ Democrats Tell 14.3 Million Dem Voters: Drop Dead

Welp…A Few Uncharitable Thoughts From Me About POTATUS Being Publicly Peeled

Former NYT Editor Has a Suspicion Why the Media Didn’t Report on Biden’s Mental Decline

Reporters Blame “Right-Wing Media” for Their Failure to Disclose Biden’s Infirmity (Jonathan Turley – a good read)

Media Didn’t Report On Biden’s Senility Because Republicans Noticed It

The One Simple Fact That Ultimately Doomed the Democrats and They Haven’t Figured Out Yet

With all that said, it hasn’t much to do with the primary reason for this post.  It is this line from the Boston Globe making it clear that they do not want Biden to seek re-election:

Boston Globe editorial board calls on Biden to end his campaign
“The nation’s confidence has been shaken.”

…Maybe. But in the view of this board, and a growing number of other editorial pages and Democratic officials, the greater risk lies in allowing Biden to continue as the party’s standard-bearer. Serious questions are now in play about his ability to complete the arduous work of being leader of the free world. Can he negotiate with a hostile Republican Congress, dangerous foreign powers, or even fractious rivals within his own Cabinet? The nation’s confidence has been shaken…

Did you catch that little indication of which side they’re on? Try “as the party’s standard-bearer.” As in THEIR standard bearer. There is very little room between the Globe and the Dems – think of them as the New York Times wee little brother—and a poor choice of grammar and syntax by professional wordsmiths. I would have thought they would have made a much better effort to use a crowbar to create some ideological space between them and the Dems instead of spooning together fastened with tie-downs.

Before I go back to the Globe, take a look at the answer that Perplexity.AI gave me to this question: “What is the difference between ruling and governing?” It actually gave a good answer:

The key difference between ruling and governing lies in the nature of authority and how it is exercised:

Governing typically refers to leadership in a democratic system where:

  1. There is rule of law that applies equally to all citizens.
  2. Laws and policies are decided through open, deliberative processes with public input.
  3. Leaders are elected by citizens and can be held accountable through regular elections.
  4. Government agencies exist to provide services to citizens.
  5. Citizens have freedoms and rights, with government power being limited.

All good to this point. I would hazard to say that most Conservatives and Libertarians are perfectly fine with this. Now, back to the line in the Globe – can you spot the issue? The next example line has a single word in it that truly exposes both the Globe’s and the Democrat’s worldview of what the Purpose of THEIR Democracy (and OUR Republic) should be:

“The nation’s confidence has been shaken,” the board wrote, and the question still remaining goes beyond whether or not the president can win to whether or not he can rule.

Flip back to Perplexity’s definition:

Ruling, on the other hand, is associated more with authoritarian or dictatorial systems where:

  1. Those in power issue mandates without public process or input.
  2. Leaders are not elected or easily removed by citizens.
  3. There may be unequal application of laws or exemptions for certain groups.
  4. Citizens are told what they can and cannot do, with conduct being limited.
  5. People are treated as if they exist to serve the government, rather than vice versa.

In essence, governing implies a more democratic, accountable form of leadership focused on serving citizens. Ruling suggests a more top-down, authoritarian approach where power is concentrated and citizens have less say.

So, which style should Biden be tagged with – Governing or Ruling? And which do you think the Democrat Party desires (and remember, the mask does slip more and more)?

And is it true that the Globe REALLY wants Biden to Rule?

Shades of King George III.

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