Two years after the onset of Covid, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has assumed the role of Canadian dictator. Science and common sense are out the window, having been replaced by power, fear, and the lust for money.
Fully vaccinated people can contract the virus and spread it to someone, the same as an unvaccinated person. The vaccinated person has some personal protection, but not for anyone else. At this point, the mandates are useless and anathema to a free society.
Why are young children the last to be able to shed face diapers? And that is after being forced to wear useless cloth diapers in their classrooms for hours every day.
We have known for over a year that children are not efficient spreaders of this virus and that classrooms have never been super spreader locations.We also know that healthy children have a statistically zero chance of dying from covid. Yet the CDC and FDA are okay with vaccinating little children without knowing the short- and long-term adverse side effects from this emergency-approved experimental vaccine.
The educational, social, and psychological consequences of the lockdowns, masks, and vaccinations will be felt by these children for the rest of their lives. Why was there no risk/benefit analysis done for these children who rely on adults to keep them safe?
Estimates from reputable doctors believe that 65% to 80% of Covid deaths could have been prevented with the use of hydroxychloroquine or Zpak and Ivermectin when used early on after someone has tested positive and is having symptoms from the virus. These are effective drugs that have been around for many decades with a strong safety profile. There can be no other reason than there is no profit involved for Big Pharma.
Testing for hydroxychloroquine was stopped because former President Trump touted its’ potential usefulness in combating Covid.
Ivermectin was castigated for its’ danger in high doses. It is a horse de-wormer and can kill you! Human doses have been used for decades to treat parasitic infections. But these early-onset drugs were used in a hospital setting for patients on ventilators in the late stages of the disease and used as proof of their lack of efficacy.
Until recently, natural immunity was totally disregarded even though it offers longer protection.
To this day, is anyone being advised to take Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, and quercetin to boost their immune system?
Yes, I believe the response to this pandemic will go down as one of the worst mistakes in human history. The medical community has lost its way, to the detriment of a free and healthy society.
Thanks to Russ Wiles for the Op-Ed. As a reminder, authors’ opinions are their own and may not represent those of Grok Media, LLC,, its sponsors, readers, authors, or advertisers. Submit Op-Eds to
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