We Do Not Support Disparaging a Good Person to Further the Narrative of Another - Granite Grok

We Do Not Support Disparaging a Good Person to Further the Narrative of Another

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We would like to personally acknowledge the time and effort of the many Reps and volunteers in the Northwood/Nottingham special election. Despite the headwind we unknowingly faced, it is always great to see the team unite around a common goal.

A special thank you to candidate Jim Guzofski, for putting himself in the spotlight of a special election and his willingness to serve. We appreciate you.
We strongly reject the damaging and dangerous rhetoric that continues to take place against Jim on social media and in the press. There seems to be a culture taking hold that is incredibly unbecoming of Republicans. It does nothing to help grow our party or to keep the Granite State free and prosperous.

We do not support disparaging a good person to further the narrative of another. Let it be known that we will not stand for this type of behavior no matter who it comes from.

United in Liberty,

Rep Aidan Ankarberg
Rep Cyril Aures
Rep Mike Belcher
Rep Jacob Brouillard
Rep Matthew Coulon
Rep Leah Cushman
Rep Michael Granger
Rep JR Hoell
Hon Dawn Johnson
Rep Diane Kelley
Rep David Love
Rep Tom Mannion
Rep Lisa Mazur
Rep Nikki McCarter
Rep Kristin Noble
Rep Sandra Panek
Rep Kristine Perez
Rep Katy Peternel
Rep Emily Phillips
Rep Brandon Phinney
Rep Kelley Potenza
Rep Arlene Quaratiello
Rep Karen Reid
Rep Sheila Seidel
Rep Shane Sirois
Rep Julius Soti
Rep Scott Wallace
