We would like to personally acknowledge the time and effort of the many Reps and volunteers in the Northwood/Nottingham special election. Despite the headwind we unknowingly faced, it is always great to see the team unite around a common goal.
Articles tagged as
Jim Guzofski
I Want To Thank All Those Who Invested Their Time and Talents in This Campaign
I want to thank all those who came out and voted in the Rockingham County District 1 special election on September 19th. This whole journey started in June when I decided to run for the seat that Ben Bartlett had to step down from due to health-related issues.
Outside Money and Influence in the Rockingham Dist. 1 State Representative Special Election?
I was sitting at home Sunday afternoon with the TV on while preparing my Sunday sermon to be uploaded onto our church’s YouTube channel. Then all of a sudden, I see Hal Rafter, my Democratic opponent on my TV screen.
Rep. Paul Tudor Endorses Jim Guzofski in the Republican Primary Special Election on August 1st, 2023
Representative Paul Tudor Rockingham 1 Northwood / Nottingham endorses Jim Guzofski in the Republican Primary Special election on August 1st, 2023.