Chris Sununu Spends 13 Minutes Bashing Republicans


Our Governor never misses a chance to violate President Reagan’s 11th Commandment. Sununu was interviewed on lefty Chris Ryan’s show, New Hampshire Today, on Wednesday.

We want to thank Pam Brown, Ph.D. for this Op-Ed. Please submit it to

This was a 13-minute interview.

What does our “GOP” Governor do with this air time?   He spent the ENTIRE INTERVIEW — bashing Republicans.

The Governor used the full 13 minutes to deliver a series of nasty remarks about House Speaker Packard, Rep. Weyler, our GOP majority House (which he termed “wacky”), and various GOP Presidential hopefuls (the exception being Pence).

Did Sununu attempt to pivot away from Ryan’s “Republicans suck” narrative and explore the major successes of our GOP House and Senate? No.  Did he use his airtime to attack Biden’s policies? No. Did he spend most of the time warning listeners of the severe difficulties we now face due to Democrat policies – or exploring recent scandals of Dems and the NHDP’s election misconduct?  No.

Sununu spent ZERO SECONDS discussing the negatives — of Democrats.

Chris Ryan and Sununu embraced and wept together about the horrible GOP, its officials, and their problems. I listened so you don’t have to, but – listen to the interview:

Is Sununu a Republican?

He shows no loyalty to his own Party and its enduring track record of success. He evidences zero interest in promoting the GOP’s virtues and its country-saving policies. He dismisses his colleagues and speaks of GOP officials as if they are children and he’s “the adult”.  He happily giggles and babbles his way through these interviews as if no one is listening – sniping at his own Party while completely ignoring the insanity and destruction the Democrat Party is pursuing.

Well, we’re listening.

Sununu, the self-absorbed GOP wrecking ball should perhaps join Kyrsten Sinema and change his party affiliation.  Or start his own Solipsist Party, a party of one.

Pamela J. Brown, Ph.D.

Kingston, NH





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