The Preservation of Organic Humanity – A Conservative Act of Disassociation


I want to pose a line of reasoning, a question that may perhaps lead us* somewhere in the future. And to clarify, the ‘us’ I am referring to here is the ‘organic humans,’ the collective of good-hearted and common sense-driven people who have and will continue to oppose genetic alterations or artificial upgrades of any kind; those who believe We are all Divine Creations and should remain as such.

We want to thank Allyforfreedom for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

There are strange opportunities looming in the near future, and it’s idiotic to attempt to ignore them or act like it will not be offered. The white coats have conveniently decided for all of us that ‘science’ wins.

They will (at least attempt) to merge organic and artificial systems in experiments that disregard the sacred mystery of God or the Source connection within the human.

These distorted priests seek ultimate control over mind, body, and soul in this NWO global religion. AI is their god, and data is the power source. They do not value life. They do not see the human being as sacred or sovereign or irreplaceable. They think you’re an overgrown clump of cells, sparked into existence by static electricity or some other easily explainable “reaction,” like a Frankenstein doll that grows when you put it in water.

It’s laughable, truly, and so I won’t waste any more time writing about their nonsense plans, which will likely fall apart anyways, like a crappy soapbox cart some lazy fool put together without reading the directions the night before Race Day.

The real questions at hand are…

  • Could the organic human being cease to exist – just like, say, the Neanderthals?
  • Will our current “model” be upgraded so much so that the former, natural version could be cast aside forever – seen as useless, archaic or just plain out-of-date?

And most importantly, we must ask:

  • What if a person does not want to merge with the internet and allow AI to run their life?
  • What will happen to those of us who refuse their proposed ‘Singularity’?

I think we’ve witnessed a little taste of the warmup with 2020’s scamdemic lockdown tactics – They were getting a feel for the crowd with this round.

I’m pretty confident that the digital cage is bound to drop soon and that every single angle and possible outcome scenario has been run (in silico) through countless data sets to predict and prepare for any choice point made within their ‘broad’ variety of available selections. This is why our solutions must be heart-driven, uniquely human-focused, and spur of the moment. We have to stay on our toes and think outside the box as much as possible to move outside their preset statistical parameters.

This is where my line of thinking started, and then I wondered why organic humans couldn’t find some sort of reservation or conservation area where we would be allowed to live undisturbed by all the technological advances and maybe even by the ‘mutha-WEFers’ would get the hint.

It may be impossible… and yes, in the end, AI and its minions may very well “win”…

But regardless, I feel it’s detrimental that at this time in history, we start asking ourselves; if we don’t stop and conserve present-day Man as we are now – who will?

Organic Man could be forever altered and lost.

Computer technology might be neat, useful, and convenient, but it is not necessary for life. It is not naturally occurring out there on Mother Earth and it does have quite a few serious negative side effects and potentials that come with using, developing, and especially relying on the tech.

There is too much wiggle room for misuse when we allow computer technology to be placed into a position to dictate, control or design any aspect of human life. And yet, here we are. The white-coats are paid and sponsored to affirm the necessity of “computer technology” and to discredit the naturally infinite intelligence of Mankind and the imagination connection.

It was one thing to try to decimate all the tribal cultures of the world and turn the hues of Man into a homogenous race of industrial producers and consumers but now they are upping the ante and attempting to dilute humanity and forever contaminate our gene pool with inorganic, artificial technology. This could wipe out the organic human all together.

Of course, people may argue that those on top won’t allow that to happen; they will preserve their bloodlines – however still more may reply that perhaps their bloodline isn’t even Human and… that may very well be true, so who’s to say WHAT “they” want, right?

Whatever their “purpose”, the negative agenda has clearly chosen to extend itself into the artificial realm and incorporate inorganic substances into physical vessels to undermine the divine creation and in extension the Creator.

This means the positive must seek to honor and serve the original version with as much passion and vigor. Those who choose to stand by God, Source, originality, organic life – whatever you want to call it – those of us who seek to remain undisrupted must unite and work together outside this scientism sphere of influence that is so prevalent in our world. We must wake as many people to their spell as possible, before they choose irrevocable and possibly lethal experimental procedures.

In New Hampshire, we may have a real chance to get this concept circulating because more people are most connected to real life here. Whether it’s because a lot of people here still live off their land, or that small town city workers actually live in the areas they represent, or because this is a pro-2A, “red’ state that respects family values and the privacy of its citizens – the exact reasoning doesn’t matter as much as the environment/vibe that has been preserved here in NH – and that has created fertile ground for honest, human-focused solutions.

I feel it’s pertinent to the conservation of organic life that we acknowledge the high potential for contamination and irreversible effects that are sparked into reality when scientists tamper with organic life systems.

Not to mention, the dangerous precipice we’re already posed atop with the digital surveillance taking place with the epic extortion of our online activity and biofeedback data.

Then we have Agenda21 / 2030 and the climate initiatives that our politicians subscribe so dearly to, waiting in the background to lock us into smart cities where humans will be logged and traced at every transaction point. It’s only a matter of time before this grid of control tightens and they install some kind of “social-credit-system”. Humans will be ranked from “trust-worthy” to “dishonest” or even worse labeled as a “terrorist” with just one click. Actually, no clicks needed because AI algorithms will be storing and flagging all transactions without any human oversight needed. There will be no 800 number to call and complain at when your points dip below acceptable or your little icon turns “red”.

We all know how indiscreetly the “System” has infiltrated the indigenous cultures and sought to force them into the New World. I would hope that some of humanity’s more mature beings could see the similarities at play here and work to avoid the destruction and genocides before they take place this time around. We cannot change the past, but we can design and impact the future.

Shouldn’t those who want nothing to do with these inhumane and disgusting practices be able to live separately and unaffected? I would hope so; and with that notion I’m proposing that people start conversations in their local communities about these serious issues that stand on the threshold of our immediate future.

Could we possibly organize ourselves like the Amish and solidify our “right” to be left alone?

This newly outlined ‘We’ could get together and agree there will be an underlying respect for each human life, there will be no more book burnings, no more wiping out of traditions and people’s histories, no more desecration of life for the sake of the “advancement” of society or industry.

Solutions can be sought through harmonious means, where each individual is valued within the system and in control of their own energetic interactions throughout the entire process. This would provide a whole new world of working solutions that allow space for movement, alteration, improvements even to our current setup.

If our societal structures were positively focused systems that did not rely on energetic input to flow and manage, then “users” of said structures would be allowed to move in and out of service as they desired instead of being chained into the role for life, feeling the system is dependent on their energetic input to maintain functionality. But again, the white-coats don’t want anyone to even talk about other kinds of exchange systems or energy transactions so, it’s no surprise really that these negatively focused systems have grown so ‘comfortable’ and ‘reliable’ out there in the 3D Matrix.

This is way too out of the box for many mainstream thinkers and so, I’m never offended by others’ confusion, disbelief, or inquiries into my line of thinking. I only hope to spark imaginative thoughts within those others and get them to start poking around at the veil in their world.

We must all test out what seems solid in our own worlds. Don’t be afraid to question things which feel “off” or appear to be straight up falsity; instead point out the discrepancy with honesty, without cruelty or critiquing, just call it as it is and accept it. Then offer your truest assistance to help solve or realign the wrong in order to bring back balance, happiness and comfort.

I know this can sound strictly sci-fi or else, out there somewhere in the far and distant future, but transhumanism is on our doorstep – they have already begun with cloning, DNA & rNA alterations, with implanting technology into the organic body vessel and who knows what else behind closed doors.

If we do not clear the air and get folks educated and conversing about these real threats, we will wind up either totally blindsided when it does happen or worse, we’ll allow the wool to be pulled over our collective eyes, yet again and the organic human race will be exist in memory only.

The common sense approach would be to first delineate between those who wish to explore the scientific venture of transhumanism and those who oppose such action – after which, we can find space for each to live out their lives as they see fit, right? Hopefully!

But one thing is for certain, if we do not get this conversation going sometime soon, and work out some solutions for ourselves within our local communities, we will miss this window of opportunity to build outside/decentralized communities and we will be forced into their centralized smart city solution… and the battle to exit that hellish Matrix is something I pray we never need to talk about!


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