Takeover of the World by Today’s UN Are Republicans Failing To Resist?


I am the only NH Republican candidate in the FITN primary. It is mind-boggling to me that no one is questioning Trump or Haley about the basics of the US loss of sovereignty. We are in the deepest trouble we have ever begun.

In this article I am relying on iinformation submitted by two WHO Insiders to the “grand jury” plan of Reiner Feullmich.  He is now in jail in Germany for having done this.

In the third week of May, every year, the Member States of the UN meet in Geneva. This year they are planning to add words to the “Sanitary Conventions of 1850” that will result — amazingly — in the WHO having tyrannical powers over every nation including the United States. Here are the two Insiders:

Dr. Silvia Behrendt is an Austrian lawyer whose PhD is from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, on the topic of the International Health Regulations and the Executive Authority of the World Health Organization during public health emergencies of international concern. How does that sound to you?

Behrendt’s colleague Astrid Stuckelberger points out that “the underlying concept used for COVID-19 does not follow established scientific principles, but rather a different ideology which is framed as ‘global health security’ and means to treat health as a national security issue.”

Starting in the 1990s, Astrid says, “WHO institutionalized this new approach by the rapid setup of an entirely new division called Emerging and Other Communicable Diseases. And, interestingly, they didn’t engage the staff of the Communicable Disease Control Department at that time.”  Media coached us to believe that the SARS outbreak had bioterrorist potential. This political bioterrorist framing of the SARS outbreak led to the agreement of the international community that the old sanitary laws needed to be rewritten to include bioterrorism — without naming this goal officially at WHO.

Astrid Stuckelberger (who strikes me as a genius) says that the WHO’s architects arranged this new biosecurity approach “by the rapid setup of an entirely new division called Emerging and Other Communicable Diseases. And, interestingly, they didn’t engage the staff of the Communicable Disease Control Department at that time.” She sees the United States as the main architect of this. Astrid says: “This policy confirmed that the new paradigm shift was from lowering the incidence of regional endemic diseases to the sole focus on preventing the international spread in real time, and most preferably within a 24-hour time frame….” Wow.

Recall how we all fell for that hype? Now listen to Astrid again: “…the outdated sanitary laws called International Health Regulations [previously] had a very narrow scope and applicability only for yellow fever, black fever and cholera. So, particularly in the US, the bioterrorist scenario planning … within the military and at the academic level [held exercises] like Dark Winter. And those events ‘went real’ shortly after that.” OMG.

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Furthermore “the legislation in the US was prepared to curtail civil liberties for the fight against bioterrorism from 1990 onwards. This undertaking was started by the CDC and eventually finalized by professors from Georgetown University, like Professor Gostin, together with Johns Hopkins University, and it was called the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act”. Note: a model act is not law. It is a model that states can adopt or modify or ignore.

“The most important milestone in the revision process of the International Health Regulations, which is an international treaty, was the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome, abbreviated as SARS — accompanied by an alerted media attention that was not proportionate to the threat of the disease, which was remarkably low… Then the outdated IHR provisions of disease containment were replaced to include pathogens that pose a threat to national security and require an emergency regime…” OMG, OMG, OMG.   Think of all the current effort to criminalize “misinformation.”

Silvia Behrendt adds:  “If there is no test, you cannot qualify it as the new virus. That’s the problem. The most important thing everybody should know is that the proclamation of a public health emergency of international concern is connected to vaccine manufacturing…. It’s not the pandemic. There is no legal consequence if WHO proclaims or defines a pandemic. That’s just interesting for the media. But the public health emergency is connected to the regulatory pathway for emergency use authorization.” (See my article The DFA’s Authority Is Pure Bluff.)

Also at Reiner Feullmich’s hearings, Virginie de Araujo Recchia asked: “I would like to confirm with you that Mr. Bill Gates put pressure on the WHO to declare a pandemic and that we know that Charité Berlin, which is linked with Drosten, has developed these tests with the financing of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust. Can you confirm that?

Astrid Stuckelberger: “What we can confirm is that there is really a plan since 1999 that you can see chronologically with events that is mounting up GAVI from the Vaccine Alliance in UNICEF to start joining the United Nations, not only with UNICEF, but with the World Bank and WHO – through financing of this IFFI, the International Financing Facility for Immunization – so, they did a trio, the triad. [“Triad” is the word for it!]

“We have a press release signed by the Swiss government that shows that it was created specifically for Bill Gates, this international organization with total immunity [i.e., immune from lawsuit]. You cannot do anything. You cannot even take him to tribunal. They do their own tribunal if they have any sort of disagreement. [“Nemo judex, anyone?]

“That’s enough proof that there is a plan. And it keeps on. I mean, he [Bill Gates] is in the Strategic Expert Advisory Group. And they prepared even in 2016 an assessment report of this 2012-2020 Global Vaccine Action Plan, GVAP. And in 2016, they were very upset because they did not vaccinate the whole world.”

On that note, let me interject that this is older than you think. I believe the vaccination swindle began in 1798 when “country doctor” Edward Jenner allegedly figured out how to prevent smallpox, and gave the first kid an “inoculation” By 1802, President Thomas Jefferson was aiding the transport of vaccines by allowing free US postal delivery of them.

And by 1806, Spain had sent vaccinators out on “the Balmis Expedition” to cover all of Spain’s territory, including South America. Try to imagine a king reaching out to indigenous peoples for the sake of assisting their health by vaccination.  I don’t think so! (This is discussed in my 2013 book “Consider the Lilies.”)

Silvia Behrendt says “Member States gave their consent in 2005. They all said they wanted to have this new kind of rules for international law, and now they are obliged to implement it nationally. Or since 2007, it entered into force, and they are obliged to implement it. And for example, Austria, I’m living in Austria, we have no emergency clause in our Constitution, and [yet] and you still have the same regime.”

Astrid Stuckelberger:  “It’s the same with the millennium development goals and sustainable development goals, which seem to match 2000 to 2015, 2015 to 2030, the sustainable development goals. They’re doing a whole mechanism around this, and it becomes more and more obscure. And it is more and more obscure how much us, as citizens, really decide. And we don’t decide anything anymore because it becomes so complex and obscure.” [Bullseye!]

Reiner Fuellmich: “We definitely have to take our sovereignty back.” [As mentioned, he is in jail.]

Silvia Behrendt: “And in the EU they have created this HERA agency, which is the same, but probably much more coercive. And that’s a huge, huge problem. They have no authority in health matters, but they still pretend to have it and create the agencies and instruct on us, without democratic processes.”

Reiner Fuellmich: “HERA stands for Health Emergency Response Agency, right? And isn’t there a rumor that: if our national Member State governments in the EU collapse, then they’re going to take over and under the EU Commission, there will be a kind of a mini world government. Does it sound plausible?”

Silvia Behrendt: “I have no idea, but I’m sure they would love to.  [As for] The Rockefeller Foundation, I’ve met them in WHO, they come and sit in meetings, and they are NGO, we don’t know what they are.”

Reiner Fuellmich: “So, the non-state actors are also invited in this new treaty, which would take over literally, through the WHO Constitution – a world constitution – because of “pandemic.” So ultimately what we’re looking at is private associations, private individuals even, taking over our national governments through the World Health Organization, using health as a crowbar to do whatever they want.”  Remember that line: “using health as a crowbar”!

Astrid Stuckelberger: “You can see it through the financing because GAVI and private partners have started to invade and interfere the whole United Nations…. I was called to organize, for Switzerland, the whole United Nations Open Days for two days. I learned a lot about an organization that nobody hears about, which is really a private entity, called the UN Global Compact. [That] Global Compact is only private sector. They can, for example, finance – I mean, it’s open to partnerships.”  Global compact, anyone?


I claim there has been a plan on the books since at least 1798, to take over the world. (Please see my 2022 book, “Keep the Republic, Kill the Takeover.”) It is unbelievably lazy and timid of us to let all the “pandemic” nonsense take place — with even an added genocide conducted via the “mandatory vaccinations.”

I was the first person (as far as I know) to rush to US District Court in 2020 and then to the First Circuit Court of Appeals, to try to get a restraining order against mandatory vax, based on the US Constitution’s Fourth Amendment. Even the appeal was dismissed without the other side being asked to reply. Needless to say, courts do not stand up to the Hidden Government. Courts are a cog in the wheel described above by Silvia and Astrid.

Please develop a new action plan. There is no time to lose. You need to think about how to deal with the financial ‘partnerships’ mentioned above. Or how about starting, if you are connected to any university, with the academic acceptance of the ‘biosecurity’ trick. And your local legislature’s swallowing whole the need to stop dissidents from publishing!

You can be sure that the militaries of this world will be the enforcers, and not just in their home country. As I published way back in 2011, in my book “Prosecution for Treason,” we have had since 1990 an unconstitutional entity called The National Guard Bureau, sitting in the Pentagon. It arranges “State Partnerships.”  No, not between Vermont and Utah, but between Michigan and Latvia, and between New Hampshire and El Salvador.  Almost every state in the US today has foreign troops stationed with the National Guard. Naturally, the narrative that goes with that is that the partnerships help less advanced countries learn the ways of democracy. Oh, please.

Neither Nikki Haley nor Donald Trump ever mentions this stuff.  DeSantis is a better bet. In his speeches in NH he shows respect for, and confidence in, the US Constitution.

We are going to lose national sovereignty, Folks.

Even at this stage, the US could pull out of the WHO. Of course Biden will not do that, and 2025 may be too late. Contact me at www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com. We can meet and discuss it.


I know that I’ve said a mouthful in this article, but don’t go to sleep. Don’t think that electing new politicians will change anything. They are all in on it, and so are academics. I think they are hypnotized. Ordinary selfishness cannot explain what our leaders do (as in “they want their next promotion, for which they must kiss butt”). Their intelligent brain has to tell them that the Takeover managers won’t look out for them.  Deals will not be kept. Even an idiot can see that.


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