The Law Perverted


I ask the reader, have you ever wondered why that over the past half-century, the purpose of so many of our institutions so vital to liberty has been gradually turned upside down? Today I read the  true  purpose of law enforcement on a plaque at the Merrimack Police Station: “protection of Life and property.”

This is but one example of the specific trend of law enforcement changing from its proper purpose. However, It is not the fault of our police forces but the politics behind them that was so evident in the summer of 2020.

Unfortunately, the gradual change from the protection of life and property has accelerated into high gear over the past two decades, and that graduated to anarchy in hundreds of cities. In those areas where politics trumped the Law, I’m reminded of Frédéric Bastiat”s prophetic words from in his 1848 book: “The Law,” which I call the antithesis to the Communist Manifesto:

The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law becomes the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself is guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!

Author of 7 books and speaker throughout the nation, James Perloff in his PowerPoint presentation, will reveal the power and dark money that has ruled over and above “law” to force their agenda with the true purpose, the “ultimate change,”  American freedom into slavery. Come and see Perloff’s presentation:


He is an excellent speaker and will provide you with the facts. You be the judge.


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