Dobbs Anniversary and Empowering Women


CONCORD, NH (June 23, 2023) – Jason Hennessey, President of NH Right to Life (NHRTL), issued the following comments ahead of the Dobbs anniversary.

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[Today] we celebrate the Dobbs decision, which liberated states from Roe v. Wade, a 49-year travesty of human rights that resulted in the loss of over 60 million innocent human lives. Dobbs restored to the people the power to decide which human rights they want to uphold for preborn children.

New Hampshire is now set free to empower women to choose life. One step in that direction is through NH’s current law, which safeguards women and their child by restricting dangerous and deadly (to both mother and child) elective abortions after 6 months of pregnancy.

The pro-life movement also offers genuine solutions to empower women: free counseling, parenting classes and material assistance through over 14 Pregnancy Help Centers, legislation to require women be informed of the very real deaths and dangers of late term and chemical abortions, and a Safe Haven law that frees pregnant women from raising a child if they are unable.

In contrast, NH Democrats and their pro-abortion allies seek not to empower but to endanger women by trying to repeal NH’s restriction on risky late-term elective abortions after six months.

“Anyone who really wants to empower women should be supporting our Pregnancy Help Centers and the good work they do to enable women to be fully informed about their choices.”

A list of Pregnancy Help Centers can be found on the NHRTL website by clicking Pregnant?.

NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.


Jason Hennessey
President, NH Right to Life
(603) 230-8136




Editors note: received ahead of the anniversary (today), but we could not publish until today.


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