Pappas is NOT Moderate


Congressional representatives should represent the state they are from, not swear allegiance to political leaders, but that is exactly what Chris Pappas has done, voting with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time, and supporting her extreme policies that are harming New Hampshire.

We want to thank Arlene Quaratiello for this Op-Ed. Submit it to

Pappas is being portrayed by the Democratic party as a moderate who wants to “cross the aisle,” but he is anything but that as proven by a voting record that shows complete adherence to the radical Pelosi agenda.

He supported HR1, a bill that would have federalized elections and unconstitutionally taken away our state’s right to conduct its own free and fair elections.

He has voted in favor of bills such as the misnamed Build Back Better and Inflation Reduction Acts that have resulted in runaway inflation and out-of-control energy prices.

He has supported a controversial war in Ukraine to defend a faraway foreign border while ignoring our own virtually non-existent southern border. Chris Pappas does not represent New Hampshire or America; he represents Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, functioning as a rubber stamp for their extremist policies.

From what I have heard, Pappas was very effective at running his family’s Manchester restaurant.  Clearly, these skills did not transfer well to his current employment because he has contributed to the complete mismanagement of our country.  If you want a voice in Congress, who will stand up for New Hampshire and help reverse the toxic policies that are destroying our country, vote for Karoline Leavitt on November 8th.




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