The women’s volleyball match between Duke University and Brigham Young University had ended, but the turmoil had just begun. A black Duke player complained that every time she served, a fan heckled her using the N-word.
The response was immediate. The perpetrator was identified and declared guilty. He was immediately banned from any future Brigham Young sports events, and apologies from the University were issued. The Duke player was featured on mainstream media and cable news TV, heralded as a brave example for the rest of us to learn from.
The University of South Carolina announced it would no longer honor its commitment to play BYU in basketball. It was all wound up into a tight ball until someone noticed no other person had heard any of the slurs {including any of the other players}. An extensive investigation of the incident was then undertaken. Many primary source witnesses were interviewed, and large amounts of real-time digital video were examined. And no evidence was found that anyone used the slur.
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The Duke player had perpetrated another vicious progressive “Woke Hoax.”
Brigham Young University reversed its decision and reinstated the falsely accused person’s sporting event privileges. From the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS there were crickets. Duke stood behind the disgraced volleyball player, and the University of South Carolina had no comment.
All too often, innocent people are falsely smeared by members of Progressive-protected, so-called marginalized populations. The “Woke Hoax” is their preferred Modus Operandi. Jesse Smollett, The Duke lacrosse scandal, the UVA Rolling Stone Scandal, and perhaps the worst example, the confirmation hearing for Judge Kavanaugh, come to mind.
In Kavanaugh’s case, three women placed horrible sexual misconduct accusations against Kavanaugh, of which none was substantiated {Two have recanted, and Christine Blasey Ford hides behind her “repressed memory” version of events}. This is not to mention the FBI tips line that lit up with hundreds of bogus claims against the Judge. The list of false accusers goes on and on, with one common denominator: Nothing happens to the progressive-protected accusers, and in many cases, they are glorified {think Christine Blasey Ford and the Duke volleyball player}.
Where does this heinous progressive “Woke Hoax” behavior come from?
Elite progressives have developed a religious-like fanaticism that America is systemically racist, homophobic, and misogynistic. And these beliefs have led to the progressive condoned malicious use of the “Woke Hoax.” The “Hoaxes” are not just confined to individuals advancing their agenda by falsely accusing non-progressives of vile behavior. Fabricated narratives {Hoaxes} are essential for progressives to successfully {think George Soros} bend America to their socialistic will.
Many elites have been “hoaxed” from the moment they were born, groomed through “Woke” public/private high schools, and their elite colleges.
The author’s elite alma mater, Williams College, provides a good example. Over the last several decades, there have been two incidents where racial slurs were written on a building. One was quickly proven to be written by a black student, and the other had no final determination, but the only person seen near where the racial slur was found was a black female student activist. Common sense would dictate the truth about the racists’ hoaxes would come out, and life would go on, but that’s not what happened. Classes were canceled, making way for a campus-wide discussion {think indoctrination} of systemic racism.
To understand how absurd this is, a description of Williamstown, Massachusetts, and Williams College is required. The campus is located in the Northwest corner of Massachusetts’ Berkshire Mountains, and besides the affirmative action students and the “Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity faculty,” there are minimal minorities. The Williams faculty has no Republican members. The student body mimics Harvard and probably graduates the same 4% of conservative students. Williamstown is one of the most privileged “Woke “places in America. After the George Floyd murder, the entire town was covered with Black Lives Matter signs, and gay pride flags were ubiquitous.
Within the described dystopian background, the next episode of the twilight zone at Williams commenced.
A Great progressive “Woke Hoax” was perpetrated. Despite having no demonstrable racism on campus, all the students had their preconceived ideas about systemic racism reinforced. And any students who were not previously enlightened were baptized into wokeness.
Sadly, these well-meaning woke-indoctrinated elite privileged mostly white students think they will enter the world as progressive Social Justice Warriors, but in reality, they were going to unwittingly participate in the greatest “Woke Hoax” of them all, that America is systemically bad and only the enlightened, such as themselves, can fix the problem.
For the last several generations, reoccurring indoctrination has infiltrated America. The progressive elites allow no discussion in the marketplace of ideas. Anything that’s contrary to their religious woke principles is a violation of their “safe space” and is not allowed. Violators are immediately punished. Freedom of speech is a casualty of the woke religion and they will do whatever is required {think Woke Hoax} to achieve their goals of destroying America’s traditional values, its religions, and even the idea of American exceptionalism.
The “Woke Hoax” mentality is spreading and causing severe harm. Its goal? To create a docile, subservient population that can be easily controlled.
Anywhere, suburban USA
The married mother has a very busy life. Between her job and her two children, a boy and a girl, she never seems to stop. In 2020 she and her husband voted for Joe Biden because everyone said Trump was a nasty person and shouldn’t be allowed to be President. At some level, she knew the country was doing very well under President Trump, but it didn’t matter. He had to go. The “Woke Hoax “of the 2020 Presidential election had succeeded.
Over the last 21 months, things have gotten really hard. The family grocery bills and energy costs are way up. The electricity bill doubled, and gas was still up a dollar and a half per gallon. Everything was now costing more. The young couple was thinking about buying a house, but the family 401(k) account and college education 529 accounts were down 20%. Mortgage rates were over 6%, their rent was up, and with massive inflation, they could not afford it. Biden said the economy was good. The “Woke Hoax” was destroying her family’s financial future.
She could no longer go into New York City because after the George Floyd riots and the defunded police. It wasn’t safe. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before the violence reached her neighborhood. Biden said diversity, inclusion, and equity would make things better. The “Woke Hoax” made her family less safe.
During the Covid shutdown, she was very disturbed to see and hear her children being indoctrinated with CRT, and by the news, her friend had lost a son to a fentanyl overdose. She knew sex traffickers and drugs were coming over the open southern border along with millions of illegal immigrants, but Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security said the border was secure. The “Woke Hoax” was destroying America from within.
The elections were coming up, and some of her girlfriends, who declined to have families, were outraged that the SCOTUS overturned Roe versus Wade. Many of these woke women had abortions of convenience, so they could stay on their professional track. She had always been a feminist, but something wasn’t quite right. Nothing had changed. Abortion was still readily available, and rape and incest, along with the physical health of the mother, were carved out. She knew a young man who was born at 26 weeks and was doing well. As she looked into his eyes, she wondered, how could anyone say terminating a pregnancy after 24 weeks wasn’t taking a life? The “Woke Hoax” was falling apart.
During his college time, another friend’s son had been accused by a female student of sexual inappropriateness. The boy was thrown out of school, but in a court of law, he was finally given due process and was vindicated. She knew this type of injustice had been stopped during the Trump administration but now Biden was bringing it back. The “Woke Hoax” had hurt her friend’s son and someday could hurt hers.
She loved watching her daughter play soccer, but now transgender boys made the competition unfair. And they wanted access to her girl’s bathroom and showers. The “Woke Hoax” was actively harming her daughter.
Her children had done well in school, but she wondered why standardized tests were being abandoned and why teachers were no longer grading on achievement but instead were promoting diversity and equity ahead of hard work and merit. She wondered why children were being put to the back of the line because of the color of their skin. The “Woke Hoax” was stealing her children’s future.
It is time for Americans to see through the deceitful fog of the “Woke Hoaxes” and act. And there is only one way to drive a stake through the heart of the hoaxsters who want to control our lives.
Vote like your family’s, and your country’s survival depend on it! Because it does!!