NH Republicans in Primaries – These Candidates Have Very Good to Excellent Voting Records.

Previous RINO Reports mentioned some of the good guys who are in primaries with RINOs. This report mentions more of the good guys who are in primaries.

Ratings are based on candidates’ RINO scores (good is low) and also on HRA (House Republican Alliance) scores (good is high).

RINO scores are a calculation looking at every single vote. Votes where (a majority of) Republicans and (a majority of) Democrats vote the same are ignored. When a Republican votes with the Democrats against Republicans, that is a RINO vote. The RINO score is simply the percentage of RINO votes of scored votes.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Press Release. Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

The HRA scores are calculated from recommendations that are based on the Constitution and the Republican platform. See NHHRA.org.

These candidates have very good to excellent voting records.

Belknap county

District 5 (Laconia 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Dawn Johnson has the best voting record of all Reps this term. (She tied with Sue DeLemus who was not able to run this year.) Johnson has a RINO score of zero. She did not vote even a single time with Democrats against Republicans. She also scored 100% on the HRA scorecard.

District 7 (Alton, Barnstead)
Paul Terry scored in the top 3%, with a RINO score of 1.6% and an HRA score of 100%.

Hillsborough county

District 12 (Merrimack)
Of 6 Reps running for reelection, only two are in the top tier.
Melissa Blasek scored in the top 3%, with a RINO score of 1.6% and an HRA score of 100%.
Jeanine Notter made the top 20%, with a RINO score of 2.1% and an HRA score of 97%

District 32 (New Ipswich, Wilton, Temple)
Diane Kelley and Jim Kofalt both made the top 2%, with RINO scores of 1.4% and HRA scores of 100%

District 42 (New Boston, Mont Vernon, Lyndeborough)
Bill Foster has the third best voting record of all Reps. His RINO score is a piddling 0.8% and his HRA score 100%.
Lisa Post made the top 10% with a RINO score of 1.6% and an HRA score of 97%

District 43 (Milford)
Vanessa Sheehan placed in the top 15% of Reps, with a RINO score of 1.9% and HRA score of 96%.

Merrimack county

District 8 (Henniker, Warner, Bradford)
Annie Kennedy made the top 10% with a RINO score of 1.6% and HRA score of 97%

District 25 (Franklin, Northfield)
Kenna Cross is in the top 10% with a RINO score of 1.4% and HRA of 97%

Rockingham county

District 35 (Londonderry, Windham)
Julius Soti made the top 1% with a RINO score of 1.1% and HRA score of 100%


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