Campaign Announcement: Tejasinha Sivalingam for NH State Rep. - Granite Grok

Campaign Announcement: Tejasinha Sivalingam for NH State Rep.

NH State House concord-nh-statehouse3-schinella___Patch 27164219673

The true north of government is liberty, not safety. Liberty negates governmental interference so that free markets and free people thrive. Liberty limits government and fosters competition and choice, and is therefore resilient and increases prosperity.

We’d like to thank Tejasinha Sivalingam for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider please submit it to Skip@ or

Advocates of safety over liberty are hoping that your fear or empathy will cause you to adopt Legal Positivism and surrender Natural Law. They use euphemisms such as “fundamental rights” instead of “God-given natural and unalienable Rights” to lead us into the bait and switch.

Legal Positivism states that the “common good” trumps your individual Rights; whereas Natural Law affirms that the minimum standard of the common good is your natural Rights. Natural Law protects minorities; the smallest possible minority is the individual; that is why our Constitution protects individual Rights. Our Federal, and especially our State, Bill of Rights are an expression of “Liberty by design”; because they guard against a blindly self-righteous majority and a government usurped by hysteria.

Frankly, individuals in the majority and individuals not being devoured by the machinations of government often have amnesia as to the purpose of recognizing God-given unalienable individual rights. Informed Consent with regards to masks, testing, vaccinations, and eventual immunity certificates is liberty; anything less is an inoculation against the human spirit and against God.

The continued unsubstantiated State of Emergency has become the perfect justification for busybodies to implement whatever fills the void of their fear, boredom, or self-importance. They excuse their overreach with people’s existential desire for safety and spin the horrors of liberties lost into the good optics of social responsibility.

To these people, humans are selfish so liberty is abused; but they believe they are exempt from character flaws due to their title, office, or degree and are therefore the perfect people to decide what is right for each of us individually. For these officials, mask compliance is a perfect opportunity to create a new cultural normal; one that may last for a hundred years. They hope to weave compliance and collectivism into society so that it evolves into our DNA.

It is time we reopen New Hampshire. It is time that we stand firmly in our God-given unalienable Rights against the continued shutdown of our lives, against the masks and the impending vaccines. Those of us who are religious need to peacefully and firmly assert our religious rights against government intrusions into our bodies, our souls, our children’s play and education, our businesses, our entire lives. Karen Testerman is the gubernatorial candidate who will reopen New Hampshire and protect our God-given unalienable Rights. Vote Testerman for Governor on September 8th, and myself, Tejasinha Sivalingam, for Representative of Ashland, Alexandria, Bristol, Bridgewater, and Grafton.


Editor: Our apologies for the delay in publishing this. We received it several weeks ago and it got lost in the mountain of mail. Tejasinha Sivalingam is a Republican candidate for the NH House
