When They Come for You, Don’t Back Down – Expose Them


I must, unfortunately, take a moment away from drafting important legislation (which will be objectively beneficial to my constituents) to address an incident of information warfare attempting to find a chink in my armor.

We want to thank Michael Belcher for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.
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At the very least, this will be useful in helping you to understand how these operations work. This happens to be a very good example to use, as it was such an inept attempt.

Anyone who follows my political career or writing knows that I’m controversial – not merely for the sake of controversy, but because the good, correct paths we must forge through this madness have been rendered “controversial” by extremist leveraging of the Overton Window that has now normalized truly radical leftist ideology. The rampant indoctrination, sterilization, and mutilation of minors are about as good of an example as I can reckon on the spot.

That said, I’ve experienced surprisingly few (but very non-zero) attempts at public cancellation and struggle sessions. Perhaps this is because the opposition knows their ideology is indefensible when dealt with using correct terminology, and the moral authority clarity of language confers. So, here, we will see a burgeoning attempt to “cancel” me based on entirely magically, alchemically constructed fiction.

There is a significant corruption scandal plaguing the ranks of the NH House regarding allegations of fraud. None of it has anything to do with me, of course, and I do, as a Representative, have some responsibility to hold accountable violations of the public trust within our ranks. But none of that has anything to do with what you’re about to read.

You see, the way the leftist political warfare machine operates is along mass-line narratives. A corruption scandal provides a good opportunity to weaponize a mass line along such a narrative and attempt to cleverly direct such a weapon at anyone considered a useful target. I am, in fact, a useful target. I am an effective opponent to the leftist machine – as well as their GOPe allies – in my strategies, legislation, and my own political warfare on behalf of the good people I represent.

So, despite there being no link between myself and any real or contrived corruption scandal, there is an attempt to make me a target of it. This begins with complicit media reaching out for “comment.” In this particular case, a self-described “columnist” for the Conway Daily Sun, Quddus Snyder. Several days ago, this gentleman reached out with the following message:

“Hello Michael, my name is Quddus Z. Snyder of Eaton. I am a columnist for the Sun and in a forthcoming column I intend to call for Rep. Sanborn’s full resignation from the House. Will you go on the record as supporting a call for her resignation? Cheers, Q”

Now, I absolutely hate empty politician speak, and I genuinely dislike saying “no comment” unless I legitimately have no comment to offer. I think my constituents deserve better. To that end, less than 30 minutes after receiving the above inquiry, I replied to Mr. Snyder the following:

“I have not yet had time to review the circumstances and hear arguments for or against – my understanding is the parties have publicly expressed innocence. The nature of the allegations are certainly alarming. If they are, in fact, true then it would seem appropriate to resign or face action in the House.

Mike Belcher”

You will note that I answered the only question posed fully – I offered my belief that such a crime would be cause for resignation or even expulsion from the House should it prove true. I also suggested that I do not yet know the truth of the matter – we certainly do not live in a time in which all allegations can be simply assumed true.

There is no better answer to the question posed than one of the sort I gave. It would be irresponsible of me as a lawmaker to simply assume guilt or innocence without having any relevant and specific background knowledge. But none of that matters. The point of the question wasn’t a good faith attempt to inform my constituency of my thoughts – it was a setup to begin the enforcement of a mass-line narrative (a technique developed by Mao Zedong). Despite my answer being delivered within 30 minutes of the question – 4:56 pm and 4:27 pm, respectively – I received no further inquiries or responses until 8:20 am the next morning, as below:

“I reckon the people deserve to know whether you find it acceptable that (a) Rep. Sanborn has regulatory oversight power over her husband’s casino, and (b) whether you believe it is acceptable to fraudulently procure government loans and use taxpayer dollars to buy Porsches and Ferraris? Your silence on these questions has been noted and on behalf of your constituents, you’ll be invited to answer.”

Well, that’s quite the response. Here, I was accused of refusing to answer two questions the “columnist” never actually asked me. It is further implied that I am complicit in some sort of fraud and that he somehow has special knowledge of the guilt or innocence of the parties involved (none of which are me). Despite my holistic and measured response being given in a timely manner, he notes my “silence” and appears to threaten to hold me to account to “answer” on behalf of my “constituents.” What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is the makings of a hit piece.

So, the obvious question turns to, “Who is Quddus Z. Snyder?” A quick search yields numerous academic papers published, all appearing to center on something he calls “Liberal systemic theory,” which appears to be a method of analyzing geopolitics through the lens of neo-Marxist (neo-Kantian, more specifically) “socialization” at the state level. According to the website I browsed, he achieved no citations of his collected academic publications. He did, however, rate a 3.1 on RateMyProfessor.com, where he was described as “hippy-ish,” and the general sentiment was that of an easy professor to pass with a high grade.

Moving on, however, it gets quite interesting.

The Concord Monitor and Conway Daily Sun report an incident of internet infamy wherein Mr. Snyder lewdly bared his backside towards Republicans in 2020. Further reports of Mr. Snyder seeking to supplant the American flag with the Pride flag on Independence Day, all the while shaming his local private citizens as a “columnist” with the Sun for flying their own flags on their private property, that he doesn’t agree with should give some idea of his ideological leanings.

The final tell should be the fact that he wrote at least one column in 2022 expressly supporting Democrats – specifically, my opposition – while borderline slandering the Republicans in the race. So, who is Mr. Snyder? He’s an ex-academic of little-to-no note and a sloppy, small-time Progressive political warfare operator who bit off more than he can chew this time.

There is nothing I could find on the Conway Daily Sun website acknowledging its severely tilted, Progressive bent and activism. There’s little more damaging to this State or this nation than the capture of media institutions by neo-Marxists parading as “unbiased” and “neutral.” The fact that a left-wing zealot with a recent history of public lewd behavior towards his political opposition is employed as a “columnist” for our local “press” is a disgrace to the profession and a disservice to the public. My constituents deserve better than Mr. Snyder’s drivel masquerading as “fact.”

I’ll now return to drafting legislation attempting to prevent this disastrous Biden regime from conscripting our young men (or women) to service to fight in an incipient hot war with Russia, to empower our Sheriffs to protect our citizens from the overreaches of the FBI and DOJ, fixing education by removing circular and subjective pseudoscience, and much more.

When they come for you, don’t back down – expose them.




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