Greta’s World

by Op-Ed

Greta Thunberg has been the darling of the Leftist climate nuts for a while now.  Greta is an Asperger syndrome patient, which is an autism spectrum disorder. Asperger’s is characterized by abnormalities in social interactions. 

She focuses deeply on one idea or interest, climate change. Bottom line, she’s a developmentally challenged attention seeker.

It was five years ago that Greta warned, “climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”  The press found her to be an attractive narrative carrier.  Her tweet made fear junkies everywhere wet with excitement.

As a child activist, Greta Thunberg promoted a top climate scientist’s warning.  Thunberg later deleted her June 21, 2018 Twitter post.  Well, we haven’t stopped using fossil fuels… It is 2023 … Humanity has not been wiped out …  Oh, Chicken Little… Whatever shall we do?

In fairness, Harvard professor James Anderson was the scientist whose work Thunberg referenced.  He insists his words were distorted by Grit Post.    The article about his work, like the Thunberg tweet, has been deleted. This was another example of the media using half-truths to intentionally mislead the public.

In 2018 Anderson expressed support for a “…Marshall Plan-style endeavor in which all of the world takes extreme measures to transition off of fossil fuels completely within the next five years…according to Forbes. He also suggested, “… there will be no floating ice remaining [in the Arctic Ocean] by 2022,” absent major action on climate change.

Guess what, climate fear junkies… your hysterical predictions are wrong … again.  Your leaders are as bad as your science.  Our media are distorting and promoting the comments they find useful in perpetrating their own narratives, regardless of the truth.  They spew propaganda.

It is difficult to understand how people can vote for fear and panic instead of solid science and common sense.  Why must the rest of us submit to such over-the-top insanity?  Why is Biden President?  Vote truth, not hate.

Why did we waste about $11 trillion on covid?

We might as well have simply burned the money… for all the good done with it.  Stop being lazy, do your homework before deciding what to believe.


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