Bruce Jenner & Caitlin Jenner - Granite Grok

Bruce Jenner & Caitlin Jenner

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Bruce Jenner brought great joy and glory to the United States of America as an Olympic Decathlon Champion in 1976. We should be grateful that Caitlyn Jenner attempts to bring sanity to the conversation about Transgenderism.

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Caitlyn, as reported in an article in Breitbart, explains that the “ Radical Rainbow Mafia” engages in grooming children and advocates and uses political violence. Jenner says, “We live in a beautiful country called America, where we are free to be whomever we want. The “Radical Rainbow Mafia” has hijacked LGBT ppl (population) and is the worst thing that has ever happened to LGBT ppl! They are DOMESTIC TERRORIST.”



Her words, not mine; I just thought readers should know.
