New Hampshire Constitutional Militia

by Op-Ed

The Second Amendment of the US Constitution reads: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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I’ll make two brief points about this that you might not hear very often.


  • The Militia is the only thing in the entire Constitution that is deemed as NECESSARY.
  • The Militia is to be regulated by our This point is most ably explained by Edwin Vieira at this link.


Since no one at any level of government appears to be regulating citizen’s militia anymore as described in the US Constitution or as was done in the Several States about 200 years ago, I maintain that we the people, have the right and duty to restore and regulate our own militia.  Quickly these well-regulated militias will become wildly effective throughout our nation as indispensable for the security of a free society.  We the People are writing the laws to properly and Constitutionally regulate the militia since the institutional government has done so only in a destructive manner.

The legal basis for this strategy is found in the annihilation clause of the Declaration of Independence:

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

It explains how after King George had attempted to dissolve the colony’s legislative powers, they remained intact, “incapable of annihilation”, since these essential powers reverted to the People collectively. Similarly, the legislation for a necessary well-regulated militia likewise cannot be dissolved or subverted to destructive ends.  When the government is unwilling to do the essential regulation of militia for its necessary purposes, the powers for this also return to the “People at Large.”

The best part of this is that we will not be the first.  We have at present two militias in our country that are recognized by local government as county assets.  One of these is the Campbell Militia.  Listen to Campbell militia commander Dan Abbott explain their militia in this 20-minute orientation for new members.  Listen carefully, as Dan packs a lot in those 20 minutes.  I found it helpful to listen many times and also take detailed notes.

This militia was founded about three years ago and has served their community so effectively that political candidates seek out the militia’s commander’s endorsement for their campaign literature.  Check out this campaign flyer from Eric Zehr, running for the state legislature.


Eric Zehr Campaogn flyer


This article just barely touches on this highly complex topic. We should all familiarize ourselves with the constitutional militia, considering the desperate corruption that has arisen due to We the People not enforcing the nation’s laws on criminals in government.

The government cannot root out the corruption within itself; that task falls to the true masters of government, We, the People. We need to begin at the town and county levels first.  There is a website that discusses this and other aspects of the larger plan to restore the  Republic,

I invite anyone interested in further discussion to contact my cell directly at 860-677-1686.



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