JFK – Nixon – Trump

Mark Twain famously said, “Brevity is the soul of wit!”  The gift of a long life is to appreciate Twain’s wisdom and the disappointment of learning the Administrative (Vampire) State have run my beloved U.S. of A. since at least 1960.

1. As a sophomore in high school, I believed that JFK was assassinated by a “lone” insane gunman, and Jack Ruby murdered Oswald because he loved JFK.  Recently, R. F. Kennedy, Jr. said, “The CIA murdered my uncle.”  Recent enormous document releases by the National Archives confirm RFK’s statement.

2. The Watergate scandal, as a young law student in Washington, DC, disgusted me. A recent series of books by Geoff Shepard, a lawyer on the Nixon legal Watergate team, uncovered a cabal of the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and Federal Judiciary.  These vampires of the Deep State removed a President popularly elected in a landslide and by an Electoral College landslide.

Attorney Shepard proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Judge Sirica and the entire Federal District Court of Appeals were ethically compromised, and probably criminally, for extra-judicial contacts with the prosecution and an unprecedented “en banc” hearing of Watergate appeals without the statutorily mandated “three-judge appeal” panel, the only time this has ever happened in American judicial history.

3. The “Musk Twitter Files” have confirmed the “Vampire State” stole the 2020 election, the persecution of the Trump Presidency, and soon the “J6” clown show of Pelosi and Cheney’s recommendations to indict Trump for “fictional” crimes. The parallels between the Nixon and Trump conspiracies are eerie, disturbing, and frightening.

Yes, Steve Bannon, there are conspiracies.


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