Is Carpetbagger Maggie Goodlander Even Living in Nashua?

The forces of postmodernism require opening with a disclaimer just for the record, so let’s get that formality out of the way because the usual gaslighters await.

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Elections Have Consequences: More Activist Soft on Crime Judiciary Appointments

More Activist Soft on Crime Judiciary Appointments

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Dr. William Glasser and the Training of Pedophiles

New Hampshire Attorneys General, past and present, have actual knowledge of the link between William Glasser’s Theory and the abuse of children. New Hampshire paid pedophiles working as state employees to conduct William Glasser’s Theory Experiments.

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Bill Shaheen’s Hyperbolic Fearmongering

The last time I looked at myself in the mirror, I did not see a rabid, clueless, insane, brainless Trump worshipper, as the sheeple of Biden’s flock love to call me – and call 81 million other supporters of Donald Trump.

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Elections Have Consequences: Democrats “Care More About Winning the Next Election Than Saving This Country”

“Why are we so terrified to tell the truth? … You come here, and you walk people through the actual math of social security. The actual math of Medicare. How we’re going to save it. What we have to do.  And you will get attack ads because God forbid you told the truth.”

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Night Cap: Inflection Point for America

If you’ve been alive and sentient for the past three-plus years, you’ve probably heard the statement, “We are at an inflection point in history” a time or two.
Anytime something is said so often in such a short period of time, it tends to lose impact. But slogans aside, does America’s present condition warrant the kind of urgency associated with invoking a moment as “an inflection point”?

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Get it in Writing? No, Not Nashua.

I’m sure most, if all of our readers are familiar with the term “get it in writing,” but it’s a seemingly alien concept in city hall.

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Elections Have Consequences: NWO, Government & Our Common Problem

But it’s weird, right? What comes to mind? A different reaction or inflection point within your life because it doesn’t really feel like it was twelve years ago. That could be today.

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Investigating that Nashua Flag Pole.

Most readers are already familiar with a flag pole outside Nashua City Hall, the one being referred to in this link. Over the years, it has been called various names. For those not up to speed on Nashua matters, I will offer the latest Grok piece and the one from the day before.

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The New England Take: Chuck Morse is Running for Governor and Calling out the Competition!

Former New Hampshire State Senator Chuck Morse filed with the Secretary of State David M. Scanlon to replace Governor Chris Sununu, calling out Kelly Ayotte and standing his ground as a true conservative.

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Mayor Refuses to Fly “Pro-Trans” Flag in Front of City Hall

I think we’ve been going about this all wrong. People “on our side” keep asking to fly flags in front of city hall and getting rejected, which hints at unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination. The City just rejected a revolutionary-era flag.

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New Hampshire is very Much a Part of Rise of the Censorship Industrial Complex

In 2016, New Hampshire Police and Fire rewarded Concord PD Julie Curtin for inter-Alia calling around the world to get internet posts taken down regarding Chessy Prout, the state witness in NH v Owen Labrie. She was rewarded for going above and beyond and getting “justice for the victim.”

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Money cash

The School District Must Think We’re Stupid

An article on Nashua Inklink stated that the school district budget was going up 4.49%. However, the City’s 2025 Budget book states that the School District is going up 4.94%. One would think that someone made a typo, but no, it gets better.

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Nashua Must Like Getting Sued

Our own illustrious Beth Scaer is pushing the buttons and pulling the triggers of the snowflakes cluttering up Nashua City Hall. She has requested that they fly another flag, and they’ve returned with a hard no.

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Fail Original Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

It Is With Great Sadness That I Inform You … That You Have All Failed

Dear Attorney General of Michigan, Attorney General of Washington, Attorney General of Maryland, Diocese of WA, Detroit, and Baltimore. It is with great sadness that I inform you that you have all failed to report and communicate with each other about the sexual abuse of Father Leonard Foisy.

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Elections Have Consequences: Silent weapons …

Have the Russians developed “silent” electromagnetic-wave weapons they are using on Americans…in America?

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American flag america

A Travesty for What Used To Be a Constitutonal Republic

Whether someone supports Trump or not, if they can’t see that this case and ALL of the other cases against Trump are 100% politically motivated and completely bogus, they should not be allowed to hold office or vote in ANY future election because they are either too dumb to realize the damage that this has done to the American justice system or they are too corrupt and their lust for power so strong that they would do ANYTHING including destroy the country to stay in power.

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The New England Take: School Choice and EFAs in New Hampshire …

Executive Director Kate Baker Demers, New Hampshire Children’s Scholarship Fund, dives into the highly successful Education Freedom Account program, how they have the data to back what they do, and how only politics drive the crazy claims by Democrats.

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Daniel Richard v. Christopher Sununu: Motion for Leave of the Court New Late Authorities

Now comes, the Appellant Daniel Richard, pro se, pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 16 (7), respectfully gives notice of a new compelling authority from the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States “SCOTUS”, decided May 23, 2024 in the matter of ALEXANDER v. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE CONFERENCE OF THE NAACP, No. 22-807 … Read more

No, Corporate Profits Don’t Cause Inflation

The Guardian reported, A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop. The report, compiled by the progressive Groundwork Collaborative think tank, found corporate profits accounted for about 53% of inflation during last year’s second … Read more

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