The School District Must Think We’re Stupid

An article on Nashua Inklink stated that the school district budget was going up 4.49%. However, the City’s 2025 Budget book states that the School District is going up 4.94%. One would think that someone made a typo, but no, it gets better.

In going back to Superintendent Mario Andrade, he stated that the school district does not pick up benefits, and no, he is not kidding.

The Nashua residents should take note that the benefits amount to $51 million dollars, and believe me when I say that the Nashua taxpayers do pay for them. Of course, the benefits to employees need to be put in because all employees, including teachers, are getting these “benefits.” This additional $51 million dollars will also change the cost per student from $17,775 to $18,380. A resident should forget that my figures do not include the School Special Revenues and School Grants, which are included in the City’s budget but NOT in the school budget.

Residents pay all this for a below-par education in our public schools for our children. Per the Student Proficiency Assessment of 2023, Nashua scores were:

North HS   South HS  Academy of Arts
Math Proficiency  34%  48%  86%
Reading Proficiency 58%  65%  90%
Science Proficiency 41%  53%  84%

Also reported in this assessment was the fact that the average salary for North and South teachers was $65,319 and the cost per pupil was $19,498 compared to the Academy of Arts & Science, where the average salary was $43,566 and cost per pupil was $9,985. And residents wonder why there has been an increase in Charter School enrollment, up by 35% since 2019 (per Union Leader 1/11/2024 report).

If a resident goes to page 25 of the school budget presentation, they will note that the average teacher has 18.4 students, down from 18.9 students last year.

If a resident goes to the school district budget, they will see on page 11 that the school district shows the 24 Adopted Budget vs the Proposed 2025 Budget.

Adopted Budget for 2024:

Labor $98.1 million 56%
Benefits $48.2 million 28%
Proposed Budget for 2025:
Labor $100.0 million 55%
Benefits $50.9 million 28%

This shows that 83% of the school budget is going to employees for salaries and benefits. All teachers have city and state-funded pensions whereas most people do not get this luxury.


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