Biden’s Sec.of Re-Education Is a Coward When It Comes to His Title IX Undressing Rule


This is for those of us who have daughters that the Biden Administration (and his LBG and Trans minions) are forcing to undress in front of males who believe they are females and then can rightly invade girl bathrooms and locker rooms.

Back in April, they did the usual Progressive, Anti-Traditional American Norms thing and rejiggered our common language to suit their political agenda. Eliminate any sense of biological sex differences with the socially constructed term “gender identity.”

Biden Guts Trump-Era Title IX, Issues Rules to Protect LGBTQ Students, Eliminate Gender-Based Categories

“The new final rules re-write discrimination as “based on stereotypes, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics.” But not actual sex.  They are eliminating sex-based categories and distinctions. And gaslighting us into accepting that there is no actual difference between males and females.

There is only gender identity, sexual orientation, and sex “characteristics” which are not the same as biological sex. They are playing games with language. And smuggling in lies. “

With (sarcastic) thanks to Governor Sununu for forcing us to deal with the repercussions after signing SB263; an Act bringing the “gender identity” Culture War to New Hampshire. 

US Secretary of Reeducation Miguel Cardona was called to the Congressional carpet for implementing these changes to LAW via simple “interpretations” (sound familiar?); reformatted, emphasis mine:

Education Secretary Falls Apart When Asked Whether He Would Force His Daughter to Undress in Front of Men

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona declined to answer questions about whether he would let boys fight his daughter in sports or undress in front of her in bathrooms at a Tuesday hearing. President Joe Biden’s administration released a finalized rule in April that extends Title IX protection to encompass “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” but it does not address transgender athletes. Cardona refused to answer the questions from Republican Utah Rep. Burgess Owens, saying he would not comment on rules related to athletics that his department has not yet proposed.


“Would you force your daughter to undress in the bathroom with boys, who are also undressing?” Owens asked.

“I am not going to be commenting on athletics rules that we haven’t proposed,” Cardona answered.

How evil is this Biden Administration, how COWARDLY are those in it, in not admitting what he really thinks as a DAD?  That Cardona decided that his fealty as a Protector was NOT to his daughter but to this pernicious ideology that states that biology doesn’t matter and to the Biden Administration.

And you can watch the video at the Daily Caller (can’t embed it here), Cardona hides behind the rubric of “Once we finalize our regulations on Title IX” nonsense – note that he REFUSES to answer the question ABOUT HIS DAUGHTER AS HER DAD! This isn’t “politics over country”, it’s “politics over family”.

I’m glad that Owens followed up with this question as it skewers the talking point that the Militant Trans-Authoritarians have been making that if you don’t accept AND affirm us, you’re nothing but a bigot. That *I* am more important than your stupid role, as a Parent, in protecting your children; your CHILDREN are bigots and so are you Parents!”.

“If your daughter was reported, she felt uncomfortable in a boy’s presence in a bathroom or locker room, would that be considered by your administration to be discrimination or bigotry?” Owns followed up.

And such a coward:

Cardona again declined to provide a “yes or no” answer as Owens pressed him. “Girls have now entered in contact sports of boxing and wrestling. Would you allow your daughter to physically fight and get beat up by a boy who called himself a girl?” Owens asked. “Yes or no.”

“Be happy to, once we finalize our regulations on Title IX athletics, to come back and have a conversation with you,” Cardona said.

And he wouldn’t even answer the question,  Would you agree that women are physically different from men?”

This is the same attitude that I ran into from my School Board when going after their unconstitutional mandate of ripping away Free Speech Rights and demanding that staff lie to Parents concerning the transgender status of their child in their Govt schools.

And the SPLC wonders why many of us can be “anti-government” when it can’t even give us straight answers!


Editors Note: Cardona is off the hook for now. Using SCOTUS’ vacating of Chevron, a Federal Judge Just Blocked DoE’s new Title IX rules the day before they were to go into effect.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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