Debate: Joe Biden Surprised Me

Well, Joe Biden surprised me. He was able to stand up for the entire debate and throw numerous debunked lies around like a hooked mackerel on the end of a line. Donald Trump didn’t surprise me one bit. He stood his ground and got his message across like a surgeon cutting out an infected canker.

Yup, it was pretty much as I expected it would go, but the question will be how many Biden supporters are wringing their hands and asking themselves, what the heck do we do now?

It was the after-debate that was the big shocker to me as liberal media annalists weighed in with an almost universal description of “a missed opportunity” by Biden. Translation of political speak, Ohhhhh Sh##! It’s going to be a, well pretty high mountain for Joe even to come close to evening the perception he can compete with Trump not only in the next debate but even in the remaining time until Nov. 5th.

The after-talk went a long way toward crushing my belief the D party would dump Joe around convention time as the talking heads revealed that to happen, Biden would have to release his (####) and create an open convention. It didn’t seem Joe was even considering doing so. Well that may be akin to going down in flames and taking the whole party with him. Not that I’d mind at all, you understand, just wondering if and how many really disillusioned, dedicated leftists might be trying to figure out other alternatives to ease old Joe out of the picture? Not predicting just wondering, human nature after all.

Let’s not get all comfortable and overconfident because these leftists pushing Biden around have plenty of dirty tricks, well-oiled and ready to go for just this kind of situation. Best we start considering a few dirty tricks of our own just in cast. It’s time to get our red caps out, folks, and show our colors. MAGA – vote for Trump in November.

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