Every Nashua resident better start saving some extra money to pay for the 7.2% increase in property taxes. Mayor Donchess is stating that they only went up 3.7% when in fact that is a bold-faced lie. Property taxes will be going up 7.29% in December 2024. Residents do not have to believe me, just look at the current budget and compare it to FY2024 Budget.
Mayor Donchess and the Board of Aldermen think that the Nashua taxpayers are ignorant, but we are not.
The process of determining the property tax rate is very simple. The city submits both the current assessments on properties and the Adopted Budget to the DRA. With that information, the DRA comes up with a tax rate to ensure that the City of Nashua can cover all its expenses.
Mayor Donchess and this board cannot go back to the DRA for a do-over on the 2024 tax rate. The DRA will just come up with a tax rate with what the city has given them which is up 7.29%. That is reality.
FY 2024 Budget $412,028,253
FY2025 Budget $456,615,638
Increase $44,487,385
Rate Increase 7.29%
When the new tax rate is announced, Mayor Donchess will blame the state; however, one must remember that the state only works off the figures that Mayor Donchess has given them.
Aldermen Sullivan requested a reduction for the school department of $2.8 million; however, that was voted down by Aldermen Kelly, Aldermen Wilshire, and Aldermen Dowd. Aldermen Dowd is a person who should not hold any positions dealing with Taxpayers’ money. Residents must remember that because the school district overspent their ESSER funds by $4.5 million, Dowd made the Nashua taxpayers consume the error. Aldermen Dowd does not care if the taxpayers have to pay more money.
So, all residents need to remember is that when they cannot purchase food for their household because property taxes are so high, they can blame Mayor Donchess and his Board of Aldermen.
Mayor Donchess will get the tax rate in early fall of this year however he will not announce it until after the elections and just before Christmas. Nashua taxpayers need to start educating themselves about the deceptive practices of Mayor Donchess and this Board of Aldermen.