Call D’Allesandro the “Granite State Manchin.”

Let me be clear that the enemy camp is still the enemy camp, just like the truth is the truth.  D’Allesandro voted for an income tax, sponsored the boat tax, is a fake marine, and is the senior swamp rat.  The word “senior” is twofold.

At 85, he’s only beaten by Ruth Ward, who turned 87 last fall. But “Captain,” as Jeb often calls him, has been in office since the late 90s. And before that, he’s had multiple other offices, including the executive council. And he shouts into his mic like a toddler having a tantrum.

Now that I got that disclaimer out of the way, I’ll say something nice, starting with yesterday’s NH Journal article on him defying his teammates.

I’ll use the word “teammates” because we’re talking about sports. He supports SB 375. As to not regurgitate all that was said, I direct you to open the link to read it yourself and pay particular attention to the comparison to an “other side of the wall” counterpart, Rep Jonah Wheeler.

While I really don’t have an opinion about pot bills in general, D’Allesandro is Senator Murphy’s flip-side counterpart. Senator Murphy is regularly viciously attacked for voting for pot, and there’s unconfirmed word out there that his recent legal ordeal and attack on his reputation can be tied to the Manchester police chief. A quick internet search shows Chief Aldenberg to be a Senator Murphy constituent, but I digress. Let’s get back to Manchester’s swampiest senator, D’Allesandro. Is “Senator D” to use another Jeb-ism, subject to the same harsh treatment by his own clan? My research comes up with a big nothingburger. Be that as it may, anyone in the enemy camp who breaks rank with their ilk deserves praise.

I’ll offer two more items of interest, one being that he spoke out against last year’s anti-Christopher Columbus sentiment, as I noted in a previous article.

Also in that article is the other item. D’Allesandro was the frontman in nominating Scanlan to keep his job on Organization Day. While that event might be a distant memory for some, his fellow Manchester swampster, Donna Soucy, nominated Scanlan’s formidable opponent, Ms. Melanie Levesque. More on her another time. She needs to be watched like a hawk because even though Ming is taking her place BEFORE the election, she will likely try again for Scanlan’s job AFTER the election. Melanie should not yet be written off as irrelevant.

And I’ll finish with this nightcap; while I would expect D’Allesandro to vote for his crappy former mayor to be our next governor, he did approach me in the state house hallway to offer his (presumably sincere) praise for Chuck Morse when he saw me sitting on a bench outside the gift shop and wearing a shirt that says “Chuck Morse’s voting record matters.”



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