“Well, That’s Just Not The Case”, Says Hakeem Jeffries

Ray Cardello

Norah O’Donnell challenged Hakeem Jeffries, saying that 2/3 of America believed the economy was better under Donald Trump. “Well, that’s just not the case,” says Hakeem Jeffries. We (the Democrats) have to do a better job of educating the American people. They are wrong, and the economy is much more robust than four years ago.

Seriously, what planet do these Democrats live or how stupid do they think we are? There is not enough Blue Kool-aid to get us to defy the facts and toast marshmallows with the gaslights these political hacks are using on us. No single component of the Biden economy makes it more robust than it was under Donald Trump.

We know politicians lie or stretch the truth, but there is no way that Jeffries can back his statement. Let’s look at some of the facts:

  1. Gas Prices: Trump: $2.19 Biden: $3.33
  2. Inflation: Trump: 1.2% Biden: 19%
  3. GDP: Trump: 5.2% ** Biden: 1.2%
  4. Wages Trump: 7.2% Biden: 3.6%
  5. Unemployment Trump: 3.5% Biden: 3.7%
  6. House Prices Trump: $335K Biden: $435K
  7. Mortgage Rate Trump: 2.5% Biden: 7%

** Pre-COVID

The number that Biden always goes to is Jobs. He claims that no other president has lost as many jobs as Trump. Trump had a higher job growth until 2019 when the Pandemic hit. Conversely, Biden wants to claim all of the COVID replacement jobs. You cannot have both sides.

Other elements to consider are credit card balances, which have exceeded $1 trillion, and the fact that the American family has to spend nearly $1,200 a month more to maintain their 2020 lifestyle. How can Jeffries argue any of those numbers?

This is why Bidenomics is no longer a term Biden used on the campaign trail.

The mainstream media is complicit with what Jeffries did. He made an obviously incorrect statement, yet the reporter did not challenge Jeffries. Yes, she said that 2/3 of Americans disagreed, but she let the claim stay without correction with facts. Norah O’Donnell is a veteran and should have been prepared with the same data I supplied here. Rachel Maddox of MSNBC will not air any live public statements by Donald Trump because she has determined he is not credible. This act of censorship is from a “journalist” who made her career on the Russian Dosier and disputing the existence of the Hunter Laptop.

Politics and government in America have drifted so far from the truth and reality that you need a 24/7 fact checker to ascertain the clarity within the smoke. This deviance from the truth fueled the civil unrest on our campuses. Because these students were deprived of the true history of World War II, Hitler, the Holocaust, or the creation of Israel, it is easy for them to be fed a narrative by political activists to destroy anyone or anything that stands in the way of their toppling of America. People like Jeffries are as guilty as these activists and must be stopped and called out. Giving them a microphone and allowing them to speak their version of reality is a disservice and an affront to the American people.


  • Ray Cardello

    As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Ray started his website, Conservative View from New Hampshire, in January 2021 and publishes an article daily. He has published over 1,500 articles, is syndicated on 15 websites, and has published on over 65 sites. Ray has recently added Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles to his site to address specific issues of Maine, his second home. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. He believes that sites like Granite Grok are the way to offset Left Wing propaganda and politicians’ gaslighting.

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