The Conservative Hippie

by Op-Ed

Many, many years ago, I was working 50 to 70 hours a week, keeping track of politics, contacting legislators, e-mailing testimony to Concord, and writing two columns in The Exeter-NewsLetter. There were nights I was up until midnight to meet deadlines. Then I realized, being in Exeter, I was in a small minority fighting a giant.

I finally had to give up to focus on home and family. Then we moved to West Ossipee, but I was still working the same hours, so I did not get involved in Politics, although I did try to pay some attention.

After my wife died, I started paying more attention to the goings on and saw a story in the Conway Daily Sun about “The Bridge To Nowhere.” The bill was $900,000 from the state and $230,000 from the town—my new home. For a bridge, off on a side street, changed mid-stream to being “Pedestrian Only.” And that was it. I was off and running.

We want to thank Ken Goodall for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Now I am trying to help conservative candidates, democrat, republican, or independent, as long as they have conservative goals. Being retired makes it a little easier, but holy cow, the amount of bills proposed in the legislature is completely overwhelming. So following legislation, writing in groups and blogs like Granite Grok, and now being available to help a conservative group, I start when I get up, and all of a sudden I am on my third coffee and it is almost noon.

Now, I did get out a few times to get my steps in going around my property, but it can be exhausting. I truly feel Steve’s pain here, and I know it takes committed people to affect change, but it really should not be this difficult to be involved with our towns, counties, and States.

As I have said many times right here in the comments on Granite Grok, I am no longer a Republican, so I am not a true Right-Winger and far, far from a Liberal. I used to say Conservative Libertarian, but that party goes off the rails from time to time, so I guess what I am is a “Conservative Hippie.” And a very tired one from trying to keep up with all the stuff going on and helping conservative candidates.

So It Goes.


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