Night Cap: Nobody Covers ARIZONA ... Like WMUR Covers ARIZONA - Granite Grok

Night Cap: Nobody Covers ARIZONA … Like WMUR Covers ARIZONA

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So a couple of days ago I got trapped in front of a television and had to endure the supposedly local “news” on WMUR. There was a relatively long segment on ARIZONA … more specifically, a court decision in Arizona that restored an old law that bans most abortions and the Arizona legislature addressing that decision. What does this have to do with New Hampshire? If you answered ABSOLUTELY NOTHING … that’s a bingo, and you are absolutely correct.

Later the ABC “nightly news” or whatever they call that 30-minute pro-Biden/anti-Trump propaganda-dump came on … and virtually the identical segment on ARIZONA. Do you see what is going on bitter-clingers? ABORTION is one of the DemocratsCommunists’ major themes for the 2024 election and their propagandists are out there pushing the issue. But just keep pretending that Adam Sexton and the rest of the grifters at WMUR are “journalists” … that they are informing and not manipulating the electorate, that somehow an Arizona law that has absolutely NO applicability or relevance to New Hampshire is more newsworthy in New Hampshire than, for example, the anti-white racism being taught in public schools under the pretext of making public schools more “diverse, equitable and inclusive.”

