MONDAY MEMES - Granite Grok


biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Lo, and misery shall arrive every seventh day.  Or, Monday…

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***







NO END to the money laundering.




Problem is most are Jabbed, and what would that do to crops if they were turned into fertilizer?



More and more, I see this was planned for a long time.  This play was ritual mocking.  Just consider this ceremony:

The Opening Ceremony Of The Gotthard Base Tunnel, The World’s Largest Tunnel, Was A Satanic Ritual – Infinite Unknown






Can’t survive?  Yes, that’s the goal.





I took an online test – so obviously completely accurate – on what part of the US you’d be most at home in.  Interestingly, though my father’s side has been in New England / the northeast since the Pilgrims, the results said that I should be in Appalachia.












Millions of potential infiltrators.  Oil reserves to calamitous lows.  Ammo and munitions depleted, military WOKE and moral destroyed… why, one could almost believe this was all intentional.









Article in Friday’s link section.








Inferentially, celebrating an abortion.

Now to most people, a baby is the definitional emblem of innocence.  Annoying and frustrating, sometimes, yes… but innocent nonetheless.  And if someone can have the mentality of coldly eliminating a baby, a nascent life, even celebrating and memorializing that murder… what will they do, having been conditioned to kill, when faced with people to the Right of Stalin who stand in the way of their planned Socialistopia?


Socialistopia - notice j


Read what the 60’s radicals were planning.  The elimination of millions who wouldn’t go along with the plan.

Larry Grathwohl: Requiem for an American Hero | Frontpage Mag

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.

Now, remember, those people haven’t changed.  Have no doubt that, like every prior genocide, they’re working to move you from “human” to “disease to be eliminated”.  They’ve already gotten warmed up:



















It’s real.

US6506148B2 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors – Google Patents





All these idiots wanting Communism will NOT like it if they get it.




Just because you COULD doesn’t mean you SHOULD.















Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Leftist reporters pretend they’re not partisan news squashers | WND | by Tim Graham

Control the information flow and control what people believe.

Statists On FCC Vote To Restore Obama Era Net Neutrality – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Law Professor’s New Book a Timely Look at the Legal History of Second Amendment – Bearing Arms

See David Kopel’s book too:

Supreme Court Gun Cases

White House: Biden Has Been ‘Unafraid to Use His Emergency Authority’ on Climate (

Of course he will.  And it will be used before the 2024 election to promote mail in balloting… “for the climate”.

Your Fault: Worst Wine Harvest In 62 Years Blamed On Climate Doom – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

It is simple: Conservatives don’t have the votes – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

And why have Republicans been so hampered with a shortage of votes in Congress? The answer here is once again simple: They are not winning elections. The voters are not supporting them. Gerrymandering in the House might lock in too many Democrats and limit Republican districts, but that wasn’t a problem in 2014 when the public gave the Republicans the biggest voting majority in decades.

No, the problem is that the voters have simply stopped voting for the Republican Party, partly because many conservative voters have lost faith in that party because of its inability to pass its agenda even when it had the majority, and partly because Republican voters themselves have given up the fight and stopped voting. In both cases too many conservatives have seen how the establishment that previously controlled the Republican Party has worked very had to stymie and block Donald Trump. Why should they keep voting for a party that refuses to represent their interests?

In part, this is why:

The Left in a Nutshell – HotAir

Today’s protesters don’t know what they are protesting for or against, and when pressed admit: “I wish I was more educated.”

These are Ivy League students.

I went to an elite college and got a Masters’ degree at an elite university, and having studied ancient and modern political philosophy, I developed a deep sadness about how relatively uneducated I am. Still, my education puts these students’ to shame.



Also this:

Report, Lawfare Beach Friends Meet Every Friday to Discuss Legal Filings and Best Trump Attack Strategy – The Last Refuge (

Democrats Indicting 18 Republicans In Arizona For Claiming Trump Won 2020 | Armstrong Economics

Which is why they’ll find a way to suspend the election.  And sure why they’ll cheat:

After Seeing These Polls, It’s Going to Take a Miracle (or Something) for Biden to Win – HotAir

What Next? | NC Renegades

They know, full well, that if they lose they’re toast.  Great incentive to cheat, don’t you think?

Fauci knew Trump would face a disease outbreak. He also knew Biden would not. Curious, no? – Flopping Aces

Interesting on Fauci’s 2017 prediction.



This was one of the big pieces of evidence that, for me, convinced me something was very wrong.  You DO NOT write or speak definitively in a bureaucracy.  That this man, who already spent decades in government, spoke this with certainty was very revealing to me.

America’s Fertility Rate Hits Record Low as Planned Parenthood Abortions Hit Record High –

America’s total fertility rate dropped to 1.62 births per woman last year, a 2% decline from the year before. That figure is below replacement rate, which means that Americans are not having enough children to replace people who are dying. Nation’s (sic) below replacement rates eventually experience massive social and economic problems ranging from an inability to support elderly people to worker shortages to higher rates of prostitution and sex trafficking.

Just from abortion?  Or are other things (*cough cough The Jab cough cough*) also influencing that?

Planned Parenthood just published its annual report, its own figures from the previous year. And when it comes to abortions, the new report shows the abortion business killed 392,715 babies in abortions killed in the last year. That’s a 5% increase from the 2021-2022 figures.

That’s over 1,075 babies killed in abortions every single day of the year or 44 dead babies every single hour. That’s in insane figure for a company that giant claims its main focus is merely women’s health care.

Imagine going up to someone and saying there was an industry that killed over a 1000 people a day in the US.  They’d be horrified.  But then do the “big reveal”… and watch them squirm.

5 Perennials to Plant Once that will Feed You Forever… (

Good to know!

An Altogether Sorry State – Thomas W(h)ispered (

Final question I’ll ask (although I’ve got a hundred more): if ‘they’ can puff up charges and gag a Presidential candidate (and former President) with the sole intent of forcing their will on him, just how fair do you think such a system will be to you and I?

EPA Announces New Standards Which Will Raise Energy Prices – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Don’t forget the Energy Secretary under Barackus who wanted $8 a gallon gas.

Thanks to Biden, China Could Start World War III Here :: Gatestone Institute

Weakness has a cost.  We’re about to pay it, big time.

From here:

Congressman Michael McCaul Who Wrote The TikTok Ban Bill Invested $1.15 Million Into META After Writing The Bill

– On March 3rd, he authored the TikTok Ban Bill

– On March 22nd, he invested $150,000 in META

– On the 26th, he invested another $150,000

– On the 28th, he invested another $150,000

So about three weeks after writing the TikTok Ban Bill, this man invested $450,000 in TikTok’s competitor.

Oh, and then what did he do once he saw his TikTok ban was gonna be included with all the Ukraine funding:

– Well, on April 1st, he invested $350,000 more in META, followed by the fifth where he invested that again.

Then about a week later, of course, he voted yes on the bill he wrote.

So within the span of 40 days, this dude wrote the TikTok ban bill, proceeded to invest $450,000 in the competitor, and then invested another $700,000, taking his total investment and META at a $1.15 million.

And then he voted yes. Now, obviously the word most people are using here is suspicious, but the word we should be using is criminal.

This man wrote the f***** bill to ban TikTok, proceeded to invest more than a million dollars in its competitor, whose stock will skyrocket if TikTok actually gets banned, and then voted on the bill to ban it.

Are you paying attention yet?”

A couple days ago “down under”, a Muslim man tried to stab a rabbi, but his folding knife wouldn’t open, so he used the folded knife to beat the rabbi.  The video of the incident was posted on X and many people shared it.  But the Australian government wants it taken down, because it “looks bad” for their policies of letting Muslim immigrants in.  Elon Musk responded with something like:  No, it’s the truth, therefore it stays.  Now the Aussie government wants to jail Elon Musk because he won’t take censor the truth:

“Australia is NOT a Free Country”: Elon Musk Threatened with Jail for Defying Censorship Demands – Watts Up With That?

Me: Thought it was a priest, not a rabbi.

More “Executive Order” BS from Slo-Joe.  EO 14112 “authorizes” a group of unelected (and therefore unaccountable) persons to run the a “pandemic response” for the country, which means they will basically run the country (worse than what we saw with Covid).  Did we sign up to a dictatorship?  Apparently the clowns running the show think we did:

PERMANENT TYRANNY FROM THIN AIR: Biden Issues Executive Order 14122 Further Authorizing The Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

Student protesters who make enough of a nuisance of themselves to get arrested are now worried about that record following them.  Gee, yeah think?  So now they are begging for amnesty, because they’ve never had to face actual consequences before.  I hope they get everything they deserve (a criminal record, kicked out of college, no degree, and a most importantly, some life lessons learned).

And another POS RINO (Bill Posey, R-FL) decides to retire before his term is up, but AGAIN, too late for holding a special election to fill the seat.  This leaves the Repubs short by several seats when it comes to certifying the 2024 election; which is all by design, I’m sure:

There is growing evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine” is directly involved with the rate of cancers happening in people who are not usually at risk:




Pick of the post:



Hysterical mockery.




Palate Cleansers:






Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




RINO what do you expect cartoon
