What?  Monday again?  Come on, we just had one a week ago!

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.  And if Israel is a topic of interest, there’s always my latest Israel-related post.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










That’s an interesting idea!




But… but… but THAT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE!  Until it does, of course.





One bazillion percent!



Accuse the enemy of that which you do.





I’ve detested that POS for decades.









What did that WEF creature Yuval say?  Keep the “useless people” distracted with video games and drugs.




You put your genitalia and orgasms above your partnership and parenthood.  No sympathy.




That’s a telling point.  An actual, thorough investigation cannot possibly have been done.  Remember:





The consequences of migration.  Remember what I said in castigating my fellow Jews on the consequences of mass migration.  “Welcome the stranger” does not mean welcoming in the wolf.  Hijra – conquest by migration – is an actual doctrine in Islam.

















































Like.  But the apparent inverted cross should have been noticed and revisited…







Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


How the huge transgender push began in 2007 (

Some very interesting history in the push for all this perversion.

JK Rowling Could Be Imprisoned For “Misgendering” Trans People Under New Law – modernity

Kentucky bill would ban mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations for work, study, or healthcare (

Good for Kentucky!

Now Canada is euthanising autistic people – spiked (


Forecasting the American presidential election, part 2 (

Sharp guy.  Though I can’t imagine how – in a legitimate election – The Potato in Thief could win given what’s happening in the country (and, because of America’s weakness, around the world).

Then again, on other SM platforms I monitor, there are Dems so TSA that The Potato could do ANYTHING against America, but they’d still vote for him because Orange Man Bad.

This pathetic feigning of confusion about skyrocketing cancer in the young is Steven Segal-level bad acting… | Barnhardt

How do people look at themselves in the mirror is my question.

USA & drug-resistant GONORRHEA: first two cases of super strength gonorrhea strain that is resistant to EVERY antibiotic – as experts warn it poses ‘serious public health concern’; China as FOCI (

Next epidemic to spill out of China could be SUPER GONORRHEA – where rate of antibiotic-resistant STIs are 40x higher than US and UK | Daily Mail Online

The consequences of a lack of fidelity.  Almost as though Hashem had wisdom and we’re now seeing the societal consequences of ignoring that.  Wait, didn’t I write about that?  (Of course I did.)


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 1


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 2


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 3




When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence – The Burning Platform

Get out of the Blue Hives.  Now.

Escape From New York if You Can – HotAir

Kind of related:

New York City Council calls on Court of Appeals to reverse ruling barring illegal immigrants from voting in local elections | The Post Millennial |

So as I understand this, the city council is TRYING to get illegals the right to vote.  MHO?  Rope.  Lamppost.  Councilor.  Assembly required.

New Evidence Emerges of Ukraine’s Horrific “Forced Fertilization” Program, Inspired by Nazi Lebensborn – The Boston Times

I have a hard time believing this, simply because of the magnitude of the evil in it.  But given the last several years, I also concede that it wouldn’t completely surprise me either.

Guatemalan illegal immigrant with criminal history charged with child sex crimes in Massachusetts | The Post Millennial |

More deaths from The Potato’s policies.

Concluding, a warning from Matt Bracken on Gab:

PRO TIP: “I’m with the FBI” or “I’m from the FBI” is NOT NOT NOT the same as “I am an FBI Special Agent.”

The FedStasi are hiring these woke DEI goons to do their door-to-door FedStasi work. This is why they only briefly flashed their bogus non-credentials.

Dollars to donuts, they are “contract field investigative agents” or some other euphemism, but NOT actual FBI Special Agents.

Who’s on your doorstep?




Pick of the post:



We clearly have the best regulatory agencies – and government – money can buy.




Palate Cleansers:



I’m torn.  OOH, the guy really wants to work there.  OTOH, the stalker aspect is quite off-putting.




Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





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