Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Note that my weekly Israel post will be out on late Saturday.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




To all my Christian readers, I wish you a wonderful and celebratory Easter.  In these times of trouble, and in all times, may He be a blessing and a comfort to you.





Assuming this is true, this is yet another poke at the Bear.

TPTB seem desperate to provoke WWIII.






Very sad but true.  There’s a reason I refer to the population, as a whole, as “sheeple”.





There’s an old joke that lab rats are being replaced by politicians.  Why?  Because there are some things rats won’t do.





Just heard her mentioned on the radio the other day.






Coming soon: We must obey the DS “for the greater good”…  I was rereading one of my old essays and read a quote from a lib who PREFERRED living under the enlightened rule of panels of experts.




Strength is currency in the Middle East (and around the world).










Didn’t she actually issue a press release saying she’d never done the deed with Trump?










The data are clear.  But so many won’t see – because it would either disrupt their paychecks, or their vision of themselves as superior.

Understand, the entire system is bought lock, stock, and barrel.





Just saw a video on Telegram about how laden Dunkin’ Donuts is with glycophosphate.




Am I an advocate of corporeal punishment as a general rule?  No.  But sometimes it’s necessary when all other avenues fail.  In particular, when the kids were young, one swat on the butt was mainly to get their attention.




IMHO there is no innocent explanation for stopping this.






Excellent costume idea!




Don’t just boycott them.  Write them a physical letter to tell them why.  No, no emails or comment forms – those can be set to ignore most keyword messages.  A physical letter, especially in swarms, is harder to ignore.




And they do so openly, not by “nudging”…

The Fly on the Urinal – Urban Scoop



It makes you wonder – do they really think people are that unobservant?





Remember, this is a multi-generational faith.




Well, sunlight is great in dosed amounts.  If you get fried / lobsterized, that’s different.  Over the course of a summer I build up a nice tan, but I’m careful about it.










Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Regarding the container ship Dali that lost power (twice) just before crashing into the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.  This site has videos from several sources showing the ship made a last minute course change literally seconds before impact.  Given the course change, and the power going out (twice) just before impact, it certainly seems like a cyber attack set up to make the impact cause the most damage possible.  The bridge was a major artery for goods moving North-South on the Eastern seaboard, and the pieces of the bridge are now blocking access to the port, which was the 9th busiest port in America.  If this was a cyber attack, they sure got the bang for their buck:

It WAS NOT an accident: Ship changed course and kept it… something is fishy yet again – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips


Bayou Renaissance Man: The Baltimore bridge collapse and supply chains

Looks like Biden is considering blanket amnesty for illegal aliens.  So we allow them to come, then make them instant citizens.  Just in time for them to register to vote for the 2024 election, isn’t that great!  The scary part is, short of trying Biden for treason (which the UniParty won’t do), I don’t see how to stop it:

Biden Is Considering Illegal Immigrant Amnesty – HotAir

This is the article from the Epoch Times about Steve Baker, a journalist who covered January 6th, 2021 at the capitol, and how he was not arrested until he started becoming effective at debunking the “narrative”.  He was charged with 4 misdemeanors, and voluntarily turned himself in (as requested) to the FBI in Dallas.  They arrested him, placed him in leg chains, shackles, and handcuffs (with a belly chain) to perp walk him in front of the judge.  The message is:  “Don’t mess with our narrative, or we’ll take you down”:

Wisconsin election integrity group Omega 4 America has found another method by which the Dems plan to steal the 2024 election, and it also explains why Biden are flying illegals into swing states in the middle of the night:

The WEF is now coming for your garden (seriously, they want to ban private food production).  However, a bill being introduced in the U.S. Congress will allow having private food production means, and make it so the government cannot dictate regarding food sold within a state (only that passing across state lines).  Maine has already done the right thing, as they passed a law last year that allows Mainers to grow, harvest, and sell food from private food sources (MANY Mainers, on BOTH sides of the aisle supported this bill).  Of course that will only work if the Feds keep their hands off…



Funny how the government used to encourage self-sufficiency.  Now they’re on a jihad against it.

A good article on the “new cars” (which are really rolling surveillance platforms), and how they won’t LET you go over the speed limit, or pass another car, or whatever.  You are no longer a “driver”, but an “observer”.  This started in 2017, and all new cars are getting it now (some system more “active” then others).  And as of 2025, all new cars are required to have a “kill switch” installed so law enforcement (or the government) can shut your car off if you don’t obey.   And once they have enough cars on the road “under control” (say 60% or more), how long before they pass a law requiring you to have a “monitoring device with a kill switch” installed in order to drive on public roads?  And pretty soon after that, ANY car that is not “government controllable” will be outlawed.

In fact, in the future, I predict you won’t even be able to BUY a car anymore, at best, you MAY be allowed to lease one (you’ll own nothing, and LIKE it, peasant).

Eight States Plan to Ban the Sale of Gas-Powered Vehicles as Joe Biden Issues New Rules to Begin Killing Them Off | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

For those who wish to get blood from “un-jabbed” donors, several sites are setting that up (because the Red Cross doesn’t care).  Full disclosure:  I’ve been giving blood since I was 18 (always through the Red Cross), and I’ve given over 10 gallons now (gotta love the Oreos…).  However, the last couple times I gave, I asked the Red Cross folks about unjabbed blood (I’m unjabbed), and they didn’t care.  So now I’m considering donating to one of these organizations:

If you like watching YouTube videos about subjects that may make government nervous (gorilla warfare, how to conceal your face from facial recognition, how to make maps from drone video, etc.), Google is now ratting you out to the Feds.  Better get a REALLY good VPN, and maybe route through TOR (although the Feds take a special interest in you if you start using TOR):

Somewhat related:

A whistle blower is saying that Google and Meta are basically extensions of the NSA, CIA, DHS, DOJ, and FBI now.  Anything they have on you (your searches, likes, comments, reviews, purchases, etc.) the government has it.  Who cares about that pesky 4th Amendment anyway…

A (very) short “future history” story on X, showing a very plausible look on what will happen:


Here’s Bill Gates on X, explaining why it’s OK for him to fly in a private jet and travel, but YOU shouldn’t:

Right now, the Republicans hold a very slim majority in the US House (217-213).  However, Representative Mike Gallagher (R-Wisc) and Representative Ken Buck (R-Colo) have both “designed to resign” before their term is up, leaving April 19th.  If they left NOW, their districts could hold a special election before November.  And given that they both come from deep red districts, a special election would give the R’s a solid chance to put R’s back in those seats.  But by waiting until mid-April, there will not be enough time for the special election, and those seats will be vacant, while the Dems are busy with special elections to REPLACE the Dems in the positions they lost.  Why is this important?  Besides holding the majority in the House, the House members are who certifies elections.  If the Dems control the house, they could vote to NOT CERTIFY the 2024 election! Or vote to accept “alternate electors”, so that Slo-Joe “wins” even though he didn’t win.  Having these RINOs wait until mid-April to quit seems like another UniParty set-up to deny Trump the White House (assuming he wins).

Related (shows the details better):

DC RINOs Attempt to Sabotage President Trump’s Re-Election With Retirements, Insurrection Legislation – ISRAPUNDIT

Susan Collins is openly saying she will NOT endorse Trump, and in fact, may renounce the Republican party altogether and become Independent.  The Swamp really, REALLY, doesn’t want Trump back in the White House.  Gee, maybe because he might actually correct our course?

Sens. Murkowski and Collins Could Leave the GOP (

Baltimore voted to “defund” their police.  Now they have major crime happening all over.  So what do they do?  Defund some more!:

Baltimore City Implodes: Police Force Collapses, Only Three Officers Patrolled Major District  | ZeroHedge

Globalists are itching to implement CBDC, and the folks running the SWIFT system (controls the bank transactions in the Western world) are planning to transition to CBDC in 12-24 months:


I’ve mentioned that with a CBDC your account could be frozen.  And 99% of the time, I get some version of “That can’t happen here”.  And disbelief, utter disbelief, when I tell them about what happened to Canadians during the trucker protests.

A good piece from TL Davis on why we need citizen militias:

We bitch about the Millennials (and some of them do whine a LOT), but here’s a sobering look at where they stand financially.  The long & short of it is this:  Most will never own a house, and never be able to retire:

Hopelessness setting in and leading to depression – Gun Free Zone

The national debt is piling up at a rate that is totally unsustainable, as just the INTEREST is $1.1 Trillion (yes, with a “T”) per year.  When it all collapses, people will be using $100 bills as fire-starter.  Here’s a good article laying it all out.  Take a look at your finances and use your cash to pay off any debt you have, as that will be used to enslave you:

CBO Director Warns Of Debt Market Meltdown With US Debt On “Unprecedented” Trajectory | ZeroHedge

Fiscal Collapse Accelerates – by Peter St Onge (

A reminder.  I hate being right all the time:


E I Feel Like Sarah Connor The Coming Financial Collapse




Pick of the Post:



Make it like the old Indian practice of Sati; burn them alive on the funeral pyre with the carcass of their owner.  Just MHO.




Palate Cleansers:



I’ll show myself out.  TGIF!




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee


My thanks to JC who bought me five coffees!




Reforge Liberty - notice Cartoon Nitzakhon

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