Maybe One Last Election - Granite Grok

Maybe One Last Election

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Comparisons only capture the ears of the curious. Amid all this social, economic, and cultural turmoil, it would surely be beneficial if curiosity could return. This quality is very much in demand since America is being attacked with the enemy’s new weapons of equality and equity.

This new warfare astounds simply from the aspect of its ease and successful implementation, and now without any injury or loss of life! Such success was likely dependent upon the prelim of a patient conditioning program. Without getting too detailed, all this roughly began around the dawning of the twentieth century. The central distribution point was academia with its purpose to infiltrate nationally. Graduating the like minded, many remained in the education field while others dispersed throughout the many sectors of our economy and yes, governments!

Not to get political, but it’s a necessary element that fuels today’s affecting headlines. Trump’s 2015 entry upset their long march through the institutions,’ as the Red Chinese say. At first, his entry was comical, but suddenly, Trump became President. All their laughter ceased. What has happened since, most notably in 2020 and now during this campaign season, or should I say ‘attack season,’ has been to protect their slow grind through all that is still America but, most importantly, to keep Trump from obtaining Presidential power ever again, for he is their only credible threat!

This confrontation is very much a psychological affair in that all these drastic societal and cultural reversals and/or eliminations are being played out so as to keep the masses unbalanced and misdirected while the brunt of their efforts centers upon their last obstacle!

For whatever reason, they might have erred by refocusing America’s attention on one issue that also acts as a reliable public safeguard: our unalienable Second Amendment. Incredibly, Biden’s insistence that our Constitutional rights, listed as The Bill of Rights, “are not absolute” might be an overstep, or in this case, an attention-getter when connecting with one uncomfortable fact: Red China!

This may only point to a possibility rather than a probability yet throughout Biden’s entire time in public service, his record is at least murky and with many question marks. Thus, it may not surprise as recent information has revealed to the public about unknown business dealings of our President, his family, and associates with our foreign adversaries. At the very least, this should cause some serious questioning concerning Biden’s real motives and overall allegiance to our Country. So, when he decides to attack everyone’s unalienable right to self-defense, it’s not a far reach to wonder just how Red China would welcome the knowing that no longer would there be “a gun behind every blade of grass.” This Constitutional right of the people, to be armed, acted as a deterrent causing that response from Admiral Yamamoto when asked why he didn’t continue on to our West Coast after attacking Pearl Harbor.

Also, such an airing of this Congressional investigation, which to the public may suggest the unthinkable, casts a dim shadow over Biden’s concern for public safety as his reason for disarming our people. Even the modern public fable that it was originally written for hunting purposes attempts to downplay the Founder’s concern for the public’s protection against governmental growth!

Today’s circus in the courts, no matter which side of the aisle one may prefer, is an outright threat to our Constitutional Republic. This abuse of our judicial system against a citizen’s right to run for office defines today’s new warfare. While this is temporarily viewed as a partisan effort, it never-the –less is an attack upon every American! The only catch is that this won’t become obvious until it’s too late! Biden’s overreach exemplifies Red China’s preference for a peaceful takeover. As stated, this is merely a possibility, but it’s eerie how it all connects with such a positive result for Red China. As this courtroom drama unfolds, the enemy has obviously gained influence within our prosecutorial and judicial arms of justice. Lady Justice is blind, but our people can ill afford to look away. And to borrow a quote, “This isn’t a joke!”
