Democrats Are Deliberately Destroying America ... But Let's Talk About "Entitlement Reform"! - Granite Grok

Democrats Are Deliberately Destroying America … But Let’s Talk About “Entitlement Reform”!

Is it that the NHGOP does NOT want to win elections, or is it that they don’t know how? Does it matter? The DemocratsCommunists are destroying America, and one of the NHGOP State Reps thinks the 2nd-CD candidates should be talking about “entitlement reform.”

That lovely euphemism for making working-class Americans poorer to enrich the military-industrial complex: 13 Questions for Colin and Becky.

There is NO constituency in America for cutting Social Security except for “traditional” GOP like Mitch McConnell who wants to use the money to engage in forever-wars and GOP-mouthpieces who think that voters don’t understand the scam. Voters do NOT want “entitlement reform.” They want an end to the forever wars. But, not surprisingly, ending the forever-wars … like the proxy-war we are currently fighting and losing in Ukraine … does not make the list of the “13 questions” the 2nd-CD election should be about.

Any GOP candidate who is talking about “entitlement reform” and not talking about ending the forever-wars is NOT a serious candidate AND has NO CHANCE of winning.

If you want an actual list of what GOP candidates should be talking about, it’s this:

