The Becky Whitleys Are The “Dehumanizers”

This follows up on my Adam Sexton Thinks Speech Codes Are “Interesting,” which involved a Democrat Communist State Senator’s demand that GOP State Senators not refer to illegal aliens as illegal aliens. The Communist State Senator later took to X to Comm-splain that referring to illegals as illegals is “dehumanizing”:


What an opportunity for the GOP State Senators, which, of course, they missed and squandered. Comrade Whitley and her ilk are all about “dehumanizing” the roughly half of America that won’t goose-step to their hard-Left agenda. Has Comrade Whitley ever “fought” against her side’s “dehumanizing language”? Of course not. She’s a Communist. She does NOT have to play by the same set of rules that she demands her opponents (she would see them as enemies) play by.

For example, if you mention any of the obvious ways the 2020 election was rigged … you are an election denier. If you question any of the climate-“science”, you are an election-denier. If you question the efficacy and safety of the COVID “vaccines,” you are a vaccine-denier. The point of this language is to make you the equivalent of a Holocaust denier. You are a NAZI if you don’t march in goose-step behind Whitley and her ilk.

If you don’t believe in abortion-on-demand through nine months -if you support even the most minimal restrictions -that makes you anti-choice. This from the people who wanted you to have NO choice about shooting up with an experimental drug (the COVID-“vaccine”) by having that be a condition of your employment. See how this works yet? Support a ban on abortions after six months and you are anti-choice. Support the de facto forced injection of an experimental drug and you are not anti-choice … you are a “public health expert.” One set of rules for them. Another set for us.

I could go on and on and on. As I wrote in the initial post: Disagreeing with Whitley and her ilk is discrimination, extremism, hate, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera … and makes you a racist, an election-denier, a climate-denier, a white-supremacist, anti-choice, a fascist, an insurrectionist, a transphobe, a homophobe, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. It is not “dehumanizing” when Comrade Whitley and her ilk use this language. But it is “dehumanizing” to refer to illegals as illegals.

One set of rules for them. Another set of rules for us. It’s classic Communism. And our wonderful GOP State senators need to see it for what it is and grow the testicular fortitude to call it what it is.

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