They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





















New voter base.




A someone who is blond, blue-eyed, and “pasty white” I’ve experienced massive reverse discrimination.





I know people like this.  Terrified.  Just saw a woman with a mask and a face shield.  Still.  FFS.



There’s definitely “something” going on.  But at this point if the government were to tell me the sky was blue on a clear & sunny day I’d run outside on the next such day with a color chart to check it.




For this crime alone IMHO Soros needs to hang.  And for his work weakening America and Western Civilization, never mind his work against Israel, I – as an American Jew – want to be the one to pull the lever on him and all his progeny as a way to cleanse the world of his evil.



Jefferson et al, weeping.  And it brings to mind a simple question: why can’t these men say NO?



How do you “find” 50K votes just like that?  And if they can, actually, do that – isn’t that testament to their ability to fraudulently win elections in general?













Just another shy innocent ravished… uh huh.




Doubtless hooking up with already-here agents and planning & scouting.








Kids and phones / tablets:



And it’s not just intellectual danger:


PJTV: Five Alarm Fire



Actual danger to kids’ motor skills development.





A Rothschild.  F*CK.  As though we don’t have enough trouble with all our liberal BS infecting Judaism.



I highly recommend this counter-argument:

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha | Monster Hunter Nation

I know people – committed American patriots – who can hit 5″ groups at several hundred yards.  And the target doesn’t have to be people.  It can be transformers.  It can be fuel depots.  It can be water pipes feeding the “blue hives”.  Don’t worry – none of this hasn’t been discussed openly – and no, I’m not advocating it.  I’m trying to warn all these anti-gun advocates the kind of hell they’re talk could be unleashing.  Just imagine all these frame-house, closely-packed neighborhoods on a dry, windy day – in many many cities.  When the firehouses have been taken out, or the water feeds to the hydrants taken out.  And then… well, you can figure out what very unpleasant thing could happen next.  Now imagine this happening in a refugee-oversaturated town where there is no shelter or hotel space capacity left… and vast swaths of multiple neighborhoods are now smoldering ruins.  And there’s no power or water.

Again, not advocating anything.  But with no power, and no water, and little food… how long will these cities last?  And don’t forget what a few boxes of roofing nails could do to the food shipments into the city.

All of this has been discussed in various places around the web.

One more time – I do not want to see this happen.  I am not chafing at the bit for spicy time.













IMHO it won’t be “happening” until they’re removed from being able to have power again.  One way or another.






CO2 is roughly .04% of the atmosphere.  Or roughly .0004, or 400 PPM.  Of that about 3% is emitted by humans.  So .0012% of the atmosphere is man-emitted CO2…  or 12 PPM.  How… convenient that out of all the factors that could affect climate, it boils down to this tiniest sliver of something mankind does.  Suuuure it does.



My pediatrician read me the riot act over not getting the boy his latest “required” vaccines.




Control the information flow, control what people believe.



So… is this all for show to convince us there are “good guys” trying to stop it?  The above image does present complications for the Abbott is a good guy narrative.




Foreign agent.




True for me whenever I was on a bus.











I know a “fair” amount about foraging, etc.  If I was forced to live off the land MHO is that I’d simply die at a slower rate than most of the people I know.




What a lot of people don’t realize is that – only for Palestinians – people can relocate to a “safe” country and still be called refugees; for most once they reach a safe country they’re not refugees any more.  Palestinians can get citizenship in that new country, build new lives there, and still be called refugeesAnd unlike any other refugee population or group, refugee status for Palestinians is unique in that it transfers generationally.  Thus, Bella and Gigi Hadid – multimillionaires born in America and both with NYC apartments and mansions elsewhere, who live jet-set lives that few can afford, who have never actually been citizens over there, and weren’t even alive when the population exchange between Israel and the Arab lands happened – are nonetheless considered Palestinian refugees.

So Israel’s situation with them is special.  Once again, a situation with Jews involved is marked for special handling.

Get US out of the UN.  For this reason and a million more.




Heck yes.  And from the first earning to the last.  Everyone needs skin in the game.






Link section (some by me, some by my Jarhead friend):


Scientists propose million-square-mile umbrella to fight global warming (

Let’s do something that has the potential to wipe out all life.  What could go wrong?  And what’s the carbon footprint of making and launching it?

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont says state will be first to cancel medical debt for all eligible residents (

So generous with other peoples’ money.

Microsoft To Disable Computers of Users Who Share ‘Non-Mainstream Content’ Online – The People’s Voice (

A rumor for now, but I’ll be paranoid and suggest that this was an aim from way way way back.  It was never about finding criminals but about developing the ability to track everyone, everywhere.  Speaking of tracking:

Face Recognition Technology Becoming More Sophisticated — And Better at Tracking You • Children’s Health Defense (

Surveillance state.  Made no less “innocent” because much of the data is in private, not governmental, hands.

“We’re Broke with Biden – We Weren’t with Trump” – Black Man at Barbershop Tells MSNBC “A LOT” of His Friends are Voting TRUMP (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Not just this.  They’re being replaced by the migrants as the darlings of the Left, and the more observant among blacks see this as well.

Why America will Fall – by RE Nichols (

The avalanche has already started.  It can’t be stopped.  The main question IMHO is surviving until the rebuild phase.

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food –

And related:

Glazov Gang: ‘Ecocide’ Charges – on the Horizon | Jamie Glazov Productions

TSA Rolling Out Worrying New Tech at More Than 400 Airports ( (bolding added):

“The CAT-2 units are currently deployed at nearly 30 airports nationwide, and will expand to more than 400 federalized airports over the coming years,” a TSA official told Nextgov/FCW — and noted that travelers can opt out of the scan by notifying a TSA agent and going through standard verification procedures.

Bet that gets you put on a list, surely.

Furthermore, the move is being billed as privacy-enhancing, not privacy-degrading.

The cage, sold as beneficial.

Dr. Philipe Grandjean Exposes The History Of Fluoride’s Harms (

As Sowell once said, life is not solutions, but merely trade-offs.  And increasingly, I am defaulting to the position that whatever The State / The Authorities say is completely wrong.

Glazov Gang: Leftism and the Delusion of Beating Death | Frontpage Mag

And this is a central element, IMHO, to transhumanism.  The idea that you can beat death.  And this is, ultimately, one of their great weaknesses.  Please note that I’m not advocating anything, but… on an intellectual level, were some globalists to get ventilated, it might give the rest pause.

Iron Skillet Cleaning and Seasoning | Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2023 (

I think I need to get to thrift stores, yard sales, etc., and grab some old ironware pans, etc.  Restore them and they’ll be good barter items when the SHTF.

Explosive Investigation Uncovers a Global Shadow Government’s Secret Control Over “Elected” Governments & Public Health Bodies, Forging a Global Vaccine Regime – Flopping Aces

“Altogether, 38 individuals run the daily lives of 8 billion people on Earth … The Biden administration is under the control of the shadow government.  I can confirm this without any hesitation based upon the information that I have,”…

If someone had told me this before 2019 I’d have laughed, smiled, and looked for a rock.  Now… I’m willing to believe it.  Related to control:

Push for Collecting Your DNA to Target and Control Behaviour (

Houthis may sabotage western internet cables in Red Sea, Yemen telecoms firms warn | Yemen | The Guardian

If they actually do this, and I have no doubt they will try, that’s double-plus ungood.

They Already Have a Foot in the Door – Don’t Give Them More! · Caldron Pool

What we are witnessing, and I am sure most of you have already recognised this, is the destruction of the once-Christian culture that made the Western democracies great. That once meant rule of law and equal rights for all. But now the Woke Stakeholder-Capitalist ideology of the WEF cultists is being imposed on us, from the top down. This is the Fascist/Marxist propaganda of diversity, inclusion and equity (DIE).

Today in “Science”: American Psychological Association Study Asserts ‘Hiring Most Qualified Candidate’ may be ‘Unfair’ (

Losing our science to DIE:  Now it’s “unfair” to hire the most qualified candidate, because it keeps the diversity candidates out of jobs.  Gee, whatever happened to the concept of work harder, get better educated, & earn more skills so you BECOME the most desirable candidate?

The Firm™ (

Our Congress Critters are despicable, but it’s the system that’s REALLY rigged against us.  Here a senator states that bills are created in secrecy, and legislators given only days (or hours) to read the bill before voting on it.  In this way, hundreds of “laws” get passed without any real debate or even a chance to read them.  It’s a system that completely undermines our “representative” form of  government,




Pick of the post:



The problem is that they THINK they’re so much smarter and more educated.




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





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