Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow - Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










This is absolutely unsustainable.  Add to that the state and local burdens, higher crime, etc…. easily a trillion a year IMHO.  The national economy cannot sustain this, which is the point.





True… but you know damned well that every female with even the possibility of conceiving and carrying a kid is… “engaged” to get gravid and spurt out an anchor baby ASAP.




HOW does this woman keep getting re-elected?












Do I hope for some “good solution”?  Of course.  But find your inner steel – I fear we will all need it.


























For when the next “respiratory virus pandemic” arrives.  I’ve started to use it in a nose spray when I start feeling like I have a cold brewing.  It does seem to help, YMMV.





Now do New Hampshire.





Can we globally coordinate other things?  Like throwing you criminals in jail?




Orwell’s Ministry of Truth as applied to science.






Don’t forget my cartoon on that:







If I handed you a bowl of M&Ms, and said that you could choose the percentage that were poisoned, what percent would you name and still grab a handful?











This one’s pretty good!










There is a balance that must be struck here between rightfully conserving and resolving to hold onto principles, and being so ossified and inflexible that you become fragile in the face of change.




At this point this would not surprise me at all.




That poor child.



To take a stand opposite the herd is something quite difficult.









Link section:


mRNA Technology Is the Culprit Behind Faulty Immune Response That Prolonged the Pandemic, IgG4 Study Shows (

I mentioned IgG4 antibodies from repeated mRNA Jabs here:

Depopulation Speculations

The shocking testimony of the Covid-19 nurses – The Conservative Woman

Article about nurses on the front lines of Covid-19, and the abuses they saw, many which caused patients to die (and most of those deaths were probably preventable).  We can NEVER forget that the government, the media, and the medical profession CAUSED these deaths.  Ethical doctors & nurses who questioned or stood up against these policies were forced out, fired, and vilified.  Even parents – my pediatrician was practically reading me the riot act at the kids’ last checkup because of my refusal to give more “scheduled” childhood vaccines.

And lo & behold, more supporting evidence.

🎥 Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest video “This is the End” (

30 minutes give or take.

The more Jabs you got, the greater the danger… hand in hand with:

Video: Eco Loon Tells Brits “There Is A Moral Issue” With Having Children – modernity



Bayou Renaissance Man: “The greatest miscarriage of justice in modern American history”

All of this has just two purposes:

First, to remove Trump from the field.  BAMN.

Second, to send a stark lesson to anyone who would run to reprise Trump’s policies / actions.

8 Ways to Protect Yourself From Bank Failures – Ask a Prepper

MHO?  Following the joke… canned goods, guns, ammo, and other barter fodder.

Who is his boss? Who does Joe Biden actually work for? | In the MIDDLE of the RIGHT

Good central question.  Because it sure isn’t America.

Are You Ready for the Upcoming Food Crisis? – Ask a Prepper

Starvation incoming.

The Left Wants Your Food…..And They Want it Now! – The DaleyGator

 “Growing your own vegetables is bad for the planet” – OffGuardian (

Remember last year when the US Dept. of Agriculture wanted everyone to “register” their personal gardens?  Well now we know why:  Seems the globalists are now claiming that personal gardens create 5-6 times the carbon output of “conventional” farming.  Enjoy your non-GMO produce from the garden while you can.

WOAH: Bill Gates invested MILLIONS in BioNTech JUST BEFORE covid (

I question the timing.

China’s Gene-Targeting of Americans | The Epoch Times

China is actively working to develop “bespoke” viruses that can target a group of people, or even a single individual.  Once they have that, they could literally kill or disable anyone on the planet without firing a shot.  Gee, it’s a shame that your leader died.  Bummer that those who oppose us just seem to die.  The CCP (and many of the Chinese people tool) are VERY racist and believe that only the Han Chinese should rule the world.  If they get this off the ground, that may happen.

The U.S. just sold its helium stockpile. Here’s why the medical world is worried. (

For some reason, the US Government is trying to sell off our helium supply.  It’s almost like they WANT us to fail.  And don’t forget the calamitous drop in our strategic petroleum reserve.

FDA’s New Rule Allows For Medical Research Without Informed Consent | ZeroHedge

The FDA just changed the rules so they don’t need “informed consent” to perform medical experiments on people (only in certain cases now, but what’s to stop them from “broadening” the definition of what’s “acceptable”?).  As I understand it, rumor-style, all vaccines are considered “low risk” to them.






Pick of the Post:



I’ve said before and wish I still had the original link, but I remember some years ago reading that a NASA scientist had proposed altering the actual measurement data to comport better with the models.  I was outraged.  That was betrayal trauma for me that someone, a scientist, could propose such.

I wonder if it’s this guy.  And assuming it is, note how open he is – he offered his data set and analysis for others to examine:

All datasets are available to the public at any time. The studies by Prof. Ewert may be requested by e-mail: (at)

Remember what I said here about data openness being a foundational element of the scientific process – and how, for me at least, the “brick on the jeweler’s scale” as I examined and re-evaluated my climate alarmism was the fact that the climate people hid their data and analysis?




Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




