Distracted and Misled

Are today’s interests really that important and beneficial, or is it just a ruse when being so attracted to incidentals that are inappropriate and exaggerated nonsense? Whatever the urgency, we are all guilty to a degree of magnifying what is simply a nuisance or just trivia.

In the midst of it all, we lack even the slightest chance for a “downtime” to reconnoiter our thoughts. This is largely due to that hand-held gadget being a demanding call to all the world’s problems and answers. Given this lure, when was the last time we sat idly by and reminisced about a family event, a certain friend, or just talked to each other? Or doesn’t that still matter?

This is a crucial loss since relief is a natural need. Even at work, there are coffee breaks, or at least there were years ago. The difference today is that such leisure time is filled with the quiet catch-up of texting! During today’s Java breaks, it’s even probable that conversational chatter just isn’t anymore.

So, within such lifestyles, how does one, if so inclined, find time to read our past history, which is so beneficial to our citizenship duties and country alike? This preoccupation of one’s time and interests greatly enhances the deeds of the opportunist and the unscrupulous. Such a scenario is not as far-fetched as one would think.

To further confound are the progressive curriculums and lesson plans at all levels of education, which ignore, deny, and revise America’s factual history. Basically, we, “the free,” have been mentally corralled into a proud and defiant state of “know-it-all” ignorance.

This might seem exaggerated but look around; how many books are in sight, let alone are being read versus how many fingers are kept busy! Also unnatural is this lack of conversation. At some point, the words “robotic” and “programmed,” as in “being programmed,” become relevant!

This atmosphere is a retardant against ever reclaiming our American pride, being familiar with our country’s history, or for any attempt at independent thought. Americans had better shed this state of passivity and recognize their misguidance so that the reality of their misconceptions can be addressed and reversed. Of course, this requires a time out from their hand-held connection to the world, which currently would be unthinkable.

This anti-Americanism has been the agenda for more than half a century; when it first tested the college and university level, but now, with daycare firmly in place, it’s sort of “Katie bar the door” time as indoctrinating could be the next step after learning how to walk! This tweaks the ancient adage, “As the twig is bent, so grows the mighty oak!”

That long ago truism is typical of such advice and “why” it is so feared and ignored. Common sense points to the obvious worth of those Founding thoughts and principles when America was at its best. So from that long ago time, think and savor the following; from the aspect of answering “why;” why it’s such a fearful message for America’s young to learn.

“Everyone shall so exercise himself in reading the Scripture twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of the proficiency therein.” Harvard 1636 Student Guidelines

“All the scholars are required to live a religious and blameless life according to the rules of God’s Word, diligently reading the Holy Scriptures, that fountain of Divine light and truth, and constantly attending all the duties of religion. Yale 1787 Student Guidelines

Finally, from Congress, “We are a Christian people, not because the law demands it, not to gain exclusive benefits or to avoid legal disabilities but from choice and education; and in a land thus universally Christian, what is to be expected, what desired, but that we shall pay due regard to Christianity?” – Senate Judiciary Committee Record, January 19, 1853.

Need we ask, “What the hell happened?” Very simply, in the twentieth century, a devaluing of Christianity coupled with an instituted unknowing that weaves through and strengthens this blanket of abusive governing, globalism, corruption, and Marxism.

A final judgment: these three quotes from yesteryear were part of an entire page in the July 4th, 2017 issue of the Daytona News Journal. What’s the odds of it ever being reprinted?


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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