Volcanos and Earthquakes and Flooding… Oh My!

As I see yet another volcano erupting – this time in Indonesia – it suddenly occurred to me: The Globalists want to dim the sunlight hitting the earth to, theoretically, fight climate change.  They’ve openly talked about it.

Stratospheric aerosol injection – Wikipedia

Let me don my foil hat for a moment and ASSUME that artificial induction of volcanos is possible. Note – ASSUME. But what a master stroke if true. They dim the sun – to cull us through food shortages and colder weather globally – and in a way that 99% of people will simply not believe. Remember, it was ONE eruption, albeit huge, that caused the “Year without a summer” that created food shortages and other effects.  (Bolding added.)

What was the “Year Without a Summer”? (history.com)

In the summer of 1816, the Northern Hemisphere was plagued by a weather disruption of seemingly biblical proportions. Following a relatively ordinary early spring, temperatures in the eastern United States plunged back below freezing, and communities from New England to Virginia experienced heavy snowfalls and crop-killing frost during June, July and August. Europe also found itself in the grip of an unseasonable chill. Winter snows refused to melt, and between April and September, some parts of the Continent were drenched by as many as many as 130 days of rain. The unrelenting gloom inspired author Mary Shelley to write her famous novel “Frankenstein,” but it also wreaked havoc on farmers. Crops failed across Europe and China, spawning deadly famines and outbreaks of typhus and other diseases. In India, the disturbances gave rise to a virulent new strain of cholera that eventually killed millions. The suffering in the United States was less pronounced, but many still felt the squeeze of soaring grain prices. Some poorer Americans were even reduced to eating hedgehogs and scrounging for wild turnips.

So what about all these volcanos popping up? Indonesia? Iceland? Kamchatka? Japan? Ecuador? Mount Etna in Italy?  Others I’ve missed?  All just in 2023. In searching, there was an article on under-ice volcanos in Antarctica possibly heating up and erupting, which would not just throw even more tons of dust into the atmosphere but, in melting the ice, cause calamities from water racing off the rocky continent into the sea – raising sea levels for real.  And let us not forget that the Yellowstone super-caldera is overdue, at least by some estimates, not so by others… regardless, it popping off would be double-plus ungood.

How will these cumulative dust clouds affect the sunlight hitting the earth?  Whatever impact they have, it will not be in a “good” direction.

But let’s assume they are induced. That’s a master-stroke. And I find the timing of the multiple volcanos all going off in one year mighty suspicious.  Again, I’m not saying that I am convinced they’re being artificially induced. And I’ll include the possibility that such a frequency of eruptions is completely normal in history and now, thanks to the internet, I’m merely seeing them rather than being blissfully unaware.

Global Volcanism Program | Current Eruptions (si.edu)

And it’s not just volcanos.  Earthquakes too seem to be “popping” a lot more than normal.  Not only do earthquakes do damage and kill people, potentially lots of people, but they can cause tsunamis which – pardon the term – can create ripple effects doing widespread damage.  Same caution again about whether this is a true uptick or just the magic of the information age making me aware of them now.

But it does fit in with the depopulation agenda.  Blocked sunlight leading to cold – and cold, not heat, kills in a widespread fashion.  Blocked sunlight leads to crop failures – hunger, starvation, and panic over dwindling food supplies.  Earthquakes kill, can create tsunamis, and a melting Antarctic ice shelf can flood coastal areas.  The image below is Gab’s AI to the request of “Map of US if the sea level went up five feet”:



So not precisely scientific and accurate, but it does show coastline disruptions.  Significant ones.  And while I don’t doubt this is alarmist, the number of feet is about right for my off-the-cuff guess.  But this would not a slow rise over years and years, but in a massive months-only pulse.

Here’s what rising sea levels mean for Boston, according to a new report

And all serve the purpose: create chaos, fear, and uncertainty.  Fear.  So while I do have strong skepticism about artificially-induced volcanos and earthquakes… and am deeply reticent to grant to the Globalists a credibility for more power than I’d want to give them… it does fit into a pattern.

One more thing, which I’ve said before.  Consider the tens of thousands of scientists that had to be involved in the development of the virus, and then the Jab.  Ever-so-carefully crafted and calibrated to create systemic damage to the human system.  Possibly editing the human genome.  Creating infertility.  And in such a “perfectly” calibrated rate and speed that few, even when faced with evidence, can wrap their minds around it.  Scientists.  Even more technicians.  Untold millions of experiments.  Now assume that the volcanos and earthquakes are, similarly, artificial.

Is there NOBODY of conscience willing to speak up?  What kind of hold over people is possible on this scale?  Across not just the virus, or the Jab, but literal manipulation of the earth itself.  Or is it simply a matter of this:



Because, even now, having made the case for how this would help the Globalists… I do not want to wrap my mind around their ability to do this.  For imagine if I’m right… the sheer hubris to think they can plan and control things this finely is just begging for Nemesis on bended knee for unforeseen consequences for all life on earth, not just human civilization.

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