The Climate Cult’s Horrible, Terrible, Past Few Weeks

Globalists and, closer to home, the Bidenistas have turned the bullish!t up to eleven in an effort to break the world. They are itchin’ for a fight, like an angry drunk poking you in the chest until you get mad enough to take a swing.

But what if they fall down and pass out before things get that far? Victims of their own excess.

The green machine (at least in America) has been printing record-setting sums of fiat money, handing it out like candy at a parade. Piles of it have gone to feed their other green machine: the climate cult—lots of prop-ups, handouts, gimmes. Use the allure of free or easy money (it is neither) to force the Climate agenda down everyone’s throat, but they’ve run into a problem. The printing press prop-ups have created inflation and generational debt, which impacts the cost of everything.

You can only steal so much from so many – most of them not yet born – before the thing falls down. And I get that this is the point. Cloward Piven. Collapse everything. But the Climate scam wasn’t supposed to go so soon.

Falling Down

One of the big green jewels in the UK’s “end functional modernity” crown can’t COP a break. It has announced its impending insolvency.


AMTE had a long history in developing lithium cells, making some of the first examples in the 1990s. Recently, AMTE said it tested cells that can be charged fully in six minutes in a breakthrough for charging technology.

However, it has been making a loss. It did not get the firm orders it needed from carmakers and other potential customers, or a patient investor that could fuel an expansion in production.

AMTE’s fate mirrors that of Britishvolt, another would-be independent UK gigafactory.

Britishvolt was the brainchild of former investment banker Orral Nadjari, who saw the looming demand for batteries from carmakers in the UK and a gap in the market for an independent producer, planning a £3.8bn factory in Blyth, Northumberland.

But it ran out of funding after borrowing became more expensive.


As reported earlier, automakers are spending less time promoting EVs because there’s no way to make money back, let alone profit, in the current economy, even with fiat money handouts. As such, many are dialing back EV builds, which has a ripple effect in the other propped-up divisions necessary to reach the climate utopia. They can’t afford to operate as is, either.

Take Phoenix Solar. A solar company based in one of the sunniest places in the US. It has filed for bankruptcy.


The Nov. 9 WARN filing contained a letter from Erus CEO Abraham Sabbagh to Erus Energy employees, which was obtained by Phoenix Business Journal on Dec. 8. The letter stated that the company was ceasing operations and laying off workers on Nov. 3, citing challenging conditions in the residential solar industry including elevated interest rates, utility permitting delays and lower installation rates.

“Over the past six months, the company has pursued a number of restructuring initiatives while also actively pursuing a sale, but those efforts have not been successful despite best efforts,” Sabbagh wrote. “It has become clear after discussions with the company’s secured lender and a prospective purchaser that a sale as a going concern is impossible.”


Not even China wanted to buy it? That’s got to be concerning to the Leftopians. Meanwhile, the legal community, bouncing about brokenly in the sidecar of this rickety-energy-transition, has also failed to provide judicial support for their nonsense. A court in Oregon just tossed the State’s illegal Climate Protection Program.


The court’s decision focused on a clear disclosure requirements of the statute – the failure of the Environmental Quality Commission to meet disclosure requirements. This focus on procedural integrity is crucial. It ensures that any significant regulatory changes, especially those impacting major industries and the economy, are made transparently and with due diligence. The court rightly prioritized the rule of law over the substance of the program itself, much to the chagrin of the end justifies the means activists. …

The court rightly noted that “substantial compliance” is not sufficient. Actual compliance with statutory requirements is non-negotiable, especially when it comes to regulations that have far-reaching implications for industries and consumers alike.


Also, from the left Coast,


The PCFFA, under the representation of Sher Edling, filed a lawsuit alleging catastrophic impacts of climate change on their crab fishing grounds. However, when the legal battle was moved to federal court, the association abruptly dropped the case. This raises questions about the actual substance and intent behind such lawsuits. Was this lawsuit genuinely seeking justice, or was it another example of using the legal system for publicity and political posturing?


We’d agree that it was the latter, and that seems to be the case. Flooding the zone with headline-grabbing lawsuits attracts the wandering internet mind long enough to make an impression upon which no one is expected to follow up. In the case of the PCFFA case, the tactic should have been blatantly obvious.


The internal discord within the PCFFA and skepticism about the lawsuit’s validity were evident from the outset. Some members of the association themselves pointed out the irony of suing fossil fuel companies while relying on their products for their fishing operations.

How do we run our engines without oil? How do we fish without oil? Electricity? I’m a small vessel. I’m only 68 tons and my God, I don’t know how that would work.’” (emphasis added)

How indeed. Boats and planes share the battery size and weight problem (as would heavy equipment). To get even moderate amounts or range, you need a capacity that makes float or flite improbable, if not impossible. Lithium packs in vehicles represent a significant increase in total weight whose impact on infrastructure is missing from most if not all, total carbon footprint calculations for EVs.

Are we giving up seafood, ocean, and airline freight, not to mention cruises and passenger air? Yes. If you read the New Green Deal, that’s precisely true. Only an elite few would retain access to transportation above the technological level of a bicycle, which is a sacrifice no one outside the first world is stupid enough to consider.

If you don’t understand why, take 7 minutes to watch the video at the end of this post. It not only doesn’t work, isn’t affordable, and doesn’t green the planet – “It”being any or all of their supposed solutions – the people doing the most emitting without whose sacrifice this exercise is pointless – aren’t going to play along. Neither, it seems, are an increasing number of Westerners (even those who have tried), as the cost of a government-forced energy transition is undermined by the reality of the shoddy and irresponsible economic policy required to force it into being.

I’m sure they’ll keep going. The goal is to break everything. But it has not been a good few months for the Climate Cult.

Merry Christmas to us. For now.


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