Colorado: Y'all Still So Can't Connect The Dots ... - Granite Grok

Colorado: Y’all Still So Can’t Connect The Dots …

Trump mug shot

Maybe ask yourself this question … what wouldn’t people who support an obviously absurd court decision obviously intended to prevent Trump from being elected POTUS a third time do to prevent Trump from being elected POTUS a third time? The obvious answer … NOTHING. Of course, they would like us to keep believing that presidential elections are exercises in democracy and our votes matter, BUT if necessary they will go full Lenin on us.

The actual insurrection was the soft-insurrection that began even before Trump was elected in 2016 and culminated in the rigged election of 2020. In case you have forgotten, maybe you should review a succinct (albeit only partial) summation from Sean Davis:

They tried to prevent Trump’s election in 2016 with illegal spying and the bogus Steele dossier. They used a lawless FBI operation to cripple his presidency. They impeached him twice. They accused his Supreme Court nominee of running a secret gang rape cartel. They shut down the country over a flu, then lied about its origin, illegally changed ballot laws, burned American cities to the ground, stole the 2020 election, and then imprisoned anyone who protested it. Now they’re trying to put Trump in prison, and if that fails, they’ll throw him off the ballot. You can fill in the blanks on what they’ll consider if neither of those options work.

If you think this all ends after an appeal to the United States Supreme Court … YOU ARE DELUSIONAL. It won’t end unless and until Republicans actually fight back and Republicans will NOT do that because far too many of their “leaders” support the Left’s objective of preventing Trump from becoming President. An example of actually fighting back:

But, as we already know, that is not going to happen. DeSantis and Haley and Christie all intend to participate in totally rigged, banana-republic Colorado primary.

Yet most Republicans continue to pretend that the 2024 election is going to be an actual election. Pathetic, totally pathetic.
