Pulpit Polity: The ‘First’ Thanksgiving! 

Most readers of Granite Grok were exposed to the traditional story of the Pilgrims and the Indians sharing a meal on Thanksgiving to God for their success and survival in the new world settlement of Plymouth Plantation.

What you learned in grammar school was probably a general highlight of the event and, at its core, was true. Today, however, like most faith-based traditions and holidays that America has celebrated for over 150 years and has taken for granted, is under revisionist direction.

But today, we will not focus on that pathway.

A quick recap of the first impromptu meal is as follows:

In November 1621, after the Pilgrims’ first corn harvest proved successful, Governor Willam Bradford organized a feast of celebration and invited the Native Americans to the gathering. The famous Chief Massasoit from the Wampanoag tribe attended. The festival lasted for three days at least, and some scholars say over a week-long event.

During the first year of their landing, during the winter, some stayed on the ship while others ventured to land to begin a settlement. They were beset by exposure, scurvy, and outbreaks of contagious disease. They were visited by the Abenaki Indians and a very special Native American, Squanto. He was a member of the Pawtuxet Tribe and was taken captive by the English; hence, he spoke, to their astonishment, in fluent English! He (Squanto) taught them survival skills, cooking, shelter making, and how to grow their crops.

The point of the Ceremony of Thanksgiving was to honor God for His protection and provision in their lives.

The Pilgrims celebrated (had a worship and time of thanksgiving) for their survival during the first year of their pilgrimage. The Wampanoag Indians were also in attendance, and they were friendly and helped them in many ways, growing crops, cooking meats and vegetables, and creating shelter.

Like most American Holidays, they all have their origin in the Christian Faith.

Our history is a tapestry of celebrations that are based on God’s Divine Intervention. From the victories we have experienced our many wars to the beauty of Christmas that fills our towns and homes with Light…America’s success is a manifestation of God’s miracle power displayed through amazing leaders in war, politics, industry, finance, manufacturing, education, medicine, and recreation.

We have so much to be thankful for!

It was our great President Abraham Lincoln who first formalized Thanksgiving as a National Holiday in 1863 during the Civil War.

Since that date, we have celebrated sometime in the month of November.

It does seem that we are skipping the public recognition of this most important holiday more and more. I don’t know about you, but I noticed the stores had little, if any, mention through merchandise of Thanksgiving, and we jumped straight from Halloween to Christmas. This could be a sign of the times. We have become heady, proud, distracted, spoiled, and gluttonous in our culture with very little reverence and fear of the Lord.

The Bible tells us on many occasions to give thanks to God. By doing this, we acknowledge that HE is in control and that we are His and not our own. This Thanksgiving, we truly have so much to be thankful for. Please take the time to acknowledge God’s place as first in this world, and don’t forget to Thank Him for your life! He is so good to us…

Let’s set aside some time, not just for food and football, but to truly honor FAITH, the source of all earthly blessings.

May God Bless You Abundantly! Happy Blessed, Prosperous, and Grateful Thanksgiving to YOU and yours!

Until Next Week…

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