Night Cap: Lesbian Bigots - Granite Grok

Night Cap: Lesbian Bigots

Since I’ve wandered repeatedly into terrain reserved for asking uncomfortable questions or making unpleasant but truthful observations, why stop now? If having testicles doesn’t make you less of a woman, and given the tendency of women with them to like women without them, how does that work with lesbians?

Lesbians are sexually attracted to women. Good for them. What might not be so good is “women” who have those awful dangly man-parts who are also attracted to women. What happens when the lesbian without the junk rejects these “women” (with it) on the grounds that they have a penis. Bigots!

That’s the answer, and there can be no other. It is, after all, bigoted, discriminatory, and offensive for men who prefer women without a penis to reject “women” with one. That’s gender warrior scripture and verse. Be brave. Break the stereotype. This means that lesbians without the extra amendment should have to embrace lesbianism in all its forms, including the one with the penis.

They do not,  of course, follow this rule despite their place on the gender spectrum totem, which, by extension, pushes them out of the realm of victim classhood—left to mingle with the trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), some of whom are lesbian who are attracted to women without testicles. And this strikes me as an opportunity for the penis-chicks. You’ve managed to insert yourself into almost every aspect of womanhood, but to the best of my knowledge, none of you are TERFs

Wouldn’t is smoke someone’s giblets if a man who says he is a woman attracted to women came out against themself?

I don’t think it’s been done, but if the goal is to upset every applecart (or should that be pears), someone is going to have to 1) make a play for that and 2) quickly establish how much more discriminatory the TERFs are for refusing to let them play in the same sandbox.

As for the lesbian bigots, you go, girls!

There’s no reason for you to have to explain why you don’t want a penis in your sex life, regardless of to whom it might be attached. Your body, your choice, right?

