Call for US Citizens to Reclaim their National Sovereignty

Many Americans are looking at the national political landscape in bewilderment. The country is sharply divided into four groups. There are those who are total Democrat Party loyalists sheepishly following the Biden agenda.

We have some who are complicit in forcing the Biden regime’s agenda on the country and the world. Others are totally tuned out or keeping their heads down, and then folks that are awake or have awakened to the reality that the USA sorely needs to go in a different direction. But what is the position that the country is in, and why has this come to be?

To develop a proper understanding, we have to refine our question— Why is the USA such an atheistic, amoral political wasteland? That is what the American nation is today— the country has been conditioned to reject religion. Mainstream corporate media and information channels, as well as the federal government under the Democrat Party— the de facto modern Nazi Party— has actively demonized religious organizations and encouraged a culture of total amorality. Coming out of the cultures of the 1970s and 1980s, this amoralist, atheist society has no connection to the cultural history of human civilization writ large.

Americans, by and large, are so totally distracted by the high volume of information being churned out by corporate media and the US entertainment industry that they have lost all sense of where they are in the planetary culture. They, not even the surveillance state, the Deep State, or the Pentagon-run oversight groups who believe that they have a handle on the situation, understand where the USA sits in the global order.

This is because the entire Anglosphere— the entire English-speaking world, all people who speak English— has been compromised by the wokist agenda. It is controlled, much like a herd of sheep, by a collection of groups of people in London, Beijing, and Moscow. Americans largely have lost control of the direction of their own society. If they knew any better, they would impeach Biden immediately and then impeach Harris in order to put a Republican in command. The Democrat Party is completely and utterly corrupted, co-opted by Beijing and the WEF global corporate elites.

This insidious influence is made possible by one striking reality: Americans are poor. The US citizens who do have the financial strength to wield international power are either complicit, subservient zealots and patsies of Beijing and the WEF or are quietly hanging on. A scant few, led by Elon Musk and Donald Trump, have been able to push back on the globalist, foreign threats to US sovereignty. Too many of America’s ultra-wealthy are totally enthralled or controlled by China and the WEF.

Why do these people sell themselves out to foreign interests? First, they have little to no understanding of the nature of power and sovereignty. Second, and most critically, they think that by serving the interests and agenda of foreign, non-US people, they are somehow accepted into a global club. They couldn’t be farther from the truth. What people like Gates and Zuckerberg are actually doing is selling out their entire country and compromising the prosperity of the entire planet.

These compromised billionaires and millionaires have been brainwashed, through a variety of techniques and happenstances, some intentional and some simply the outcome of events, into believing that the best way forward is to pursue the transhumanist agenda. This is one of the most despicable, evil ideologies on the planet currently. The aim is principally to depopulate the planet while simultaneously advancing AI, robotics, and advanced clean energy technologies that will together somehow solve the climate change crisis—a problem mainly in the English and Spanish-speaking worlds. The Climate Cult is not a major problem in the Russian language sphere or in the Chinese-speaking world. The people in those worlds are not subjected to the same voracity of green propaganda from what we in the Anglosphere call the radical Left.

What Americans must understand is that the Democrat Party is not a sovereign party— it does not determine its own destiny. The US Democrat Party is a vassal party of the Chinese Communist Party and the WEF. They are totally controlled and manipulated. This includes the entire US mainstream corporate media apparatus. It is not US citizens with the best interest of the USA at heart who are making decisions for the USA.

This must change. US citizens who have the USA’s best interests at heart must always retain control of political positions in the USA.

The US Democrat Party has been consistently enthralled by the Chinese Communist Party, believing that the rise of China has been due to authoritarian-stye one-party governance and a totalitarian-socialist economic model. This could not be farther from the reality. China has risen so quickly because it opened its totalitarian-socialist economic model into a free market capitalist model, with the intentional assistance of the entire global economy towards raising China’s prosperity. Alongside this, Beijing has been extremely protective of its political sovereignty and insistent upon maintaining definitive control over its national political structure. Look at the National People’s Congress— it is all Chinese.

On the other hand, the USA has been completely and totally open in its political model, allowing Islamic extremists like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar to infect its federal legislature and foreign influence to ransack and wreak havoc on its national political culture. Biden, Obama, Pelosi, and many others, especially Democrat Party members, are essentially acting as foreign agents. They have sold out the USA for their own personal financial gain.

This is the key— US citizens are so poor and so amoral that they will do anything for money, even if it means acting against the national interest.

This must change. The USA needs to invest in its own people and its own prosperity!


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