Amazon Sells ‘Free Palestine’ Gear – And We Should Free “Palestine” … From Hamas

Steve MacDonald

I no longer shop at Target, but that started years ago. Their website always sucked, and I rarely had a good experience there. Transitioning to #woke groomers just made it easier. And then there’s Amazon.

I use Amazon. I’m a prime member, and that’s not changing, but they continue to get our attention for the sorts of things behemoth businesses do—some good, some bad, and others somewhere in between. Today, for example, someone sent me a link. Amazon has a selection of Free Palestine gear. Free them from what? Hamas? The Palestinian Authority? A cycle of co-dependent violence.

I could support that, but the gear is unclear. We are meant to understand, but I’ve taken the liberty to amend it as pictured above. Isn’t that what we should be talking about?

The people living in Gaza and the West Bank are people, and they deserve some peace. To be free… from Hamas, Iran, and anyone else using them as proxies. But choosing or allowing terrorists to control your government and engage in those acts of violence in your name is not going to free you from anything.

Nor is standing with them when Israel says we could free you from them, or at least try.

The Left likes to bitch about that, mostly because they are Jew-Hating anti-Semities, but if these people want to be free, Israel is literally their best and only chance. The surrounding Arab countries fuel the conflict – or, at best, sit back and watch what passes for violent reality television. They don’t care what happens to the people in Gaza. If they did, they would take them in and care for their refugees or defend them and help them remove Hamas. They don’t.

If Israel were wiped out, they’d be fine with that, too.

Free Palestine. Of what? Violence or Jews? If the Jews win, ‘Palestine’ could be peaceful. If Hamas wins, do you think it will stop their violence? If you do, you’re an imbecile.

Israel doesn’t want the land back; they want the terrorists gone, which makes them the best chance anyone, anywhere in Palestine, has of being free.

Yeah, civilians will be injured or die and have, on both sides, but that’s what happens when you get trapped in a cycle of violence with people who use you as human shields. The question isn’t whether the people living in Gaza deserve to be free. It is what does that look like and how do we get there.

If you think the best path is to continue to encourage Hamas leadership and their Jew-hating backers in their commitment to killing millions of Israelis, the gear you want has Swastikas on it, and yes, you can probably find something on Amazon.

Feel free to be offended by that, too. The Swastika was an ancient symbol of power until the National Socialists ruined it. Strangely enough, Islamist Socialists have ruined the chances of freedom – to at least be left alone – for the people of Gaza. And only the people of Gaza, with some help form Israel, can fix that.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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