Kensington & SAU 16 – The Law of Unintended Consequences

On Oct 5, 2023, while driving by the Kensington School marquee, I noticed one side of the public-paid-for-sign that said, “Indigenous Peoples Day No School Oct 9.” The other side of the public-paid-for-sign said, “Teacher in Service No School Oct 6.”

I asked myself, what happened to the federal holiday of Columbus Day?

Columbus Day was established in 1892 by President Benjamin Harrison in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Italian explorer’s discovery of the New World (who never set foot in today’s Continental USA) and in the wake of the horrific lynching and mob violence perpetrated on the Italian immigrant community of New Orleans the year before. The Ku Klux Klan also used tactics to denigrate Christopher Columbus and suppress the holiday.

Columbus Day is to acknowledge Columbus’ contributions to the Age of Discovery, as well as the increasingly important contributions of Italian immigrants to the great American experience. It was the catalyst that initiated over 500 years of immigration to the Americas by people from every corner of the Earth – all of whom were seeking a better life for their families.

The Dartmouth Review (examining the historical Columbus) came to this conclusion: It is a mistake to conflate Columbus with the atrocities of colonialism that succeeded his voyages. Columbus Day should neither be a moment of absolute praise nor condemnation but an opportunity to appreciate mutual discoveries between Europeans and Indians, learn from mistakes that were made and celebrate moments of coexistence.

To satisfy my curiosity, I called and spoke with Kensington Superintendent Becky Bruel. We had a very thoughtful conversation. She explained SAU 16 Official School Calendar no longer mentions/ cancels Columbus Day. I informed her that the Indigenous Peoples celebration on the calendar is based on a proclamation, not a federal holiday.

I requested her consideration for the following option: to please put Columbus Day on at least one side of the two-sided sign. To be more inclusive and respectful of the federal holiday and of those celebrating their Italian heritage like me. She informed me that was a fair question and would consider it.

Later, on the 5th, I received a phone call from Mr. Andriski, SAU 16 Asst. Superintendent. He informed me that the change to cancel Columbus Day was done nearly two years ago by all the local school boards via a vote.

Oct 9, – NO sign change – Now the law of Unintended Consequences.

Canceling Columbus opens the door to cancel any selected federal holidays, along with the vast historical learning experiences of our children, simply at the direction of our local school boards and SAU 16. Who and what is next … Independence Day – Martin Luther King?  School Boards spotlighted on full display the hypocrisy of SAU 16’s- diversity, equity, and inclusion theory and mantra, camouflaged as an act of social justice. You would think with the continuing loss/ downgrading of local educational ranking and the increasing tax burden on local citizens, there are other more pressing issues to attack.

Kensington School board members swore an oath to the NH and US Constitution. They have no authority to change it or cancel the recognition of federal holidays. Indigenous People Day was never approved by the State Legislature in an RSA or otherwise. The school gets local tax as well as federal funding. This additionally binds your legal requirements to follow the law and not discriminate! You are accountable to the citizens first – not SAU16. (See NH Title XXV Holidays – section 288:1)

Charles A. Griffin of Portsmouth is a retired attorney who has served on the Portsmouth School Board and City Council. Quote July 2022- seacoast online. Those who have researched Columbus using unbiased historical documents and information do not bring a bias viewpoint to this important debate. Those who have some sort of political bias grounded in Christian bigotry have a different outcome that they would like to force upon schools and communities.

It is with great sadness I am afraid some of the politics of hate are behind the continued attempts to attack and defame Columbus, and Christianity today appears to be alive in Kensington and SAU16.

Kensington school board members: Allison Roy, Joshua Gould, and Stefanie Smith

I am requesting you convene and act on the following as soon as possible.

  1. Confirms the Kensington Elementary School curriculum teaches and celebrates Columbus.
  2. Kensington School board votes to restore the Columbus Day federal holiday back to the official Kensington public school, as well as the SAU16 calendar.

I requested the Kensington School board (Oct 11, meeting) to advise me of their decision or intention to honor this request ASAP.

Additionally, I request you write The Dept of Edu. Commissioner Frank Edelblut ( and our local school boards and legislators get involved and hold people accountable. We, the citizens, must also do our civic duty, attend meetings, and run for school board positions.


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