Need a Little Lift? Here’s Some Red Meat American Patriotism to Start Your Morning

Mark Robinson is the current Lt. Governor of North Carolina. He is the first black man to hold the role, but he deserves a shot at much higher office (rumor has it he might be on Trump’s shortlist for VP, but that is not confirmed). All I can say is, wow!

Related: Remember Mark Robinson Who Scolded a School Board. Now’s He’s Scolding Others Over Voter ID

According to his bio, he is the 9th of ten children with an abusive alcoholic father and a strong Christian mother. After watching him speak, I was willing to bet he had some background as a preacher, but I didn’t find any. He worked in furniture manufacturing, mostly, before landing in the world of politics, and he appears to me to be very good at that. Politics. The talking it up part, at least.

Robinson comes off as very pro-America and pro-American. He supports a strong US military free from the race and gender BS, and he’s got some suggestions about Biden’s open borders and what he’d do if he were the governor of Texas (looks like he may have listened).

Good read meat for Republicans and Conservatives.

Jump to 9 min. 30 sec. to start and watch through 25:03.



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