France is very different from here. But in some ways, we should expect things to be the same. Take crime, for example. A new report focused on crimes that occur on public transportation delivered some alarming and unpleasant truths.
Last year, 69 percent of violent robberies and other violent crimes, including sexual assaults, on public transport in the greater Paris region of Île-de-France were perpetrated by foreign nationals, according to the annual figures of the SSMSI, the statistics bureau of the French Ministry of Interior.
However, looking closer at the data, it is revealed that Africans alone are responsible for 52 percent of such crimes while only representing 3.2 percent of the population of France.
Even for all of France, the data clearly shows that African nationals account for 42 percent of the above-mentioned types of crimes, way above their statistical weight within the French population.
Regarding crimes specific to public transport, the situation has actually not changed substantially over the years. The last time Remix News reported on such data in 2020, 69 percent of sexual assaults were committed by foreigners at that time as well.
America has also deliberately been flooded with people who don’t speak our language, are unfamiliar with the customs, or have no interest in embracing our culture, just like France, with this difference. Americans still have a right to self-defense. The odds of getting shot by your victim or a bystander are greater, and while the local Progs are working to disarm us, each new effort results in a spike in gun sales.
Illegals do commit crimes here, and they will account for more of them simply by sheer mass and numbers. That will not cease even if the border were abruptly closed. Crime is the resort of the deranged but also the desperate when no other means of improvement presents itself, or you find yourself stuck in a welfare trap set by people (Democrats) pretending to be your advocates.
Advocates who keep criminals out of prison to destabilize society until they have the power to impose their own imperious brand of order.
It’s Not Just France
France isn’t the only poster child in Europe for why this sort of approach to borders and immigration is a bad idea (if peace and liberty are valued). Sweden and Norway have been plagued by rape and violent crime for years thanks to loose immigration policy. Germany, as well.
It is an old problem getting “old” fast, but what to do? If “migrants,” legal or otherwise, are responsible for nearly 70% of crimes on public transportation in France, does the left’s absolutism when it comes to firearms apply? Is the solution to over-regulate or ban migrants or public transit?
Neither. Such a thing as that would interfere with the reason for open borders or loose immigration policy in America or France. To dilute your people and culture with someone else’s, regardless of the side effects. A mess with a growing human cost you blame on locals (natives?) resisting the appropriation of their land, jobs, and the destruction of their culture.
That’s typically something Democrats pretend to abhor, but since the goal is to replace free people with one easily subjugated, they are happy to look the other way no matter who pays the cost or how.
HT | PJ Media