C.S. Lewis: Democracy Destroys Education


During WWII, when Germany was bombing England, C.S. Lewis narrated over the radio a series of letters called “The Screwtape Letters.” After the war, this series of allegories were combined in a book by the same name.

The devil, Screwtape, was writing to his nephew, Wormwood, with daily instructions on how to manipulate the human mind with demonic activity. In the last chapter of the book, Lewis tells of a scene in hell where Screwtape addresses an audience of graduating demons. During this speech, Lewis projects a hidden truth describing the nature of Public Schools today. How does he connect education with Democracy?

Lewis’s words are screaming from the past to warn the future of our Republic, the dangers of how majority rule, “democracy” creates the “abolition of education.”My understanding of the premise he based his thesis on: “I’m as good as you are.,” it is a natural thought process which in a democracy is exploited to gain popular support with promises of equality. When the majority rules under the false promise of equality, would-be dictators force equality on the people. Therefore, God-given free will is sacrificed on the altar of “I’m as good as you are equality” as the new norm. Lewis drew a vivid word picture with his far-seeing allegoric perspective. As equality in education grows, permeating every fabric of society with saturation by force, it lifts up mediocrity and discourages superiority by holding it down. This process is inevitable in a society where the majority rules.

His wisdom paints a dark picture where the Deep State does not want great men in democracies. Our Republic has been hijacked by what is taught in the schoolroom. Since WWII, we have had greatness in technology, but that is a product of one generation standing on the shoulders of previous generations. But how many great leaders have we produced? This is exactly how Marxist influence divides at the individual level. There is no room for the brilliant student to accelerate his education because that makes the rest feel inferior. This philosophy directly impacts the great middle-class foundation of our free nation. Look around; the decline in education to produce doctors, scientists,  and mathematicians has created a market for foreign students to follow their high-achieving careers on our shores.

Free Public Education is the tenth step of the Communist Manifesto. Lewis knew this result of free education in a Democracy in the 1940’s. Today’s parents instinctively know true education doesn’t exist apart from God. Gone are the days of focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic. Instead, a child’s curriculum is filled with CRT and hyper-sexualization agendas.

Concerned parents should keep September 28th open from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The local Chapter of The John Birch Society will host a program featuring Shawn McBreairty covering these UNESCO/Department of Education curriculums; Shawn has appeared on Tucker Carlson, Faulkner Focus and the Ingrahm Angle, among many other programs. He also Hosts the Maine Source of Truth podcast. The event will be held at the Marion Gerrish Community Center at 39 W. Broadway in Derry, NH. All attendees must register RSVP at https://form.jotform.com/232328201086044. Or, Please call 207-391-0970 for further information.


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