But Just Keep Pretending America Is Not A Police State … Part (I’ve Lost Track)

Ed Mosca

The most important issue that this country faces is its rapid spiral into a Police State. It’s far, far, far more important than inflation, the debt, Ukraine, etc., etc., etc.. For example, how are you going to get rid of DEI and CRT … the systemic brainwashing of America’s children in order to turn them into unwavering, unquestioning foot-soldiers of the Communists Democrats, the equivalent of Mao’s Red Guards … when the Communists Democrats make it a crime to criticize DEI/CRT? It can’t happen you say. You haven’t been paying attention.

For more than two years, the corrupt USDOJ … aided and abetted by corrupt DC  judges (including judges appointed by Trump) … has been conducting a Robespierre-like reign of terror against Trump voters, with the objective of making people afraid to criticize rigged-elections. In stark contrast, rioters who bombed, burned and looted cities during the 2020 “summer of love,” in order to turn voters away from Trump and to Biden, have gotten a comparative “slap on the wrist”:


Yet all we get from the GOP Presidential candidates is … at the most … some pablum about how he is going to somehow “end the weaponization of government.” And when the “GOP” House fully funds the corrupt USDOJ and FBI in the coming months, we won’t hear a word of criticism of Kevin at-best-useless McCarthy from these Presidential candidates.

The GOP, in the aggregate (there are some exceptions … for example, Julie Kelly has been exposing the J6 political-persecutios from the outset), just wants to pretend that it’s all somehow going to go away after the last J6’r is locked up. It’s NOT. The federal judiciary is packed with faux-judges nominated by Obama and Biden who have zero fidelity to the constitution and the rule of law, and total fidelity to their political ideology. And it’s only a matter of time until the Communists Democrats start using the State courts against their political enemies the same way the Biden-regime’s DOJ is using the federal courts to prevent Trump from winning the Presidency a third time. For example:



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