NH-NeverTrump Journal ... The Big Lie - Granite Grok

NH-NeverTrump Journal … The Big Lie

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Did you know that the four totally bogus indictments of President Trump are actually part of a Democrat plan to make him the GOP nominee? Of course, you did NOT. At least not until Mikey Graham over at NH-NeverTrump Journal told you. You see … GOP voters are dumb … really, really, really dumb … because they stopped marching in lockstep with their “leaders” in 2016. Or at least that’s Mikey’s take.

According to Mikey, ANY Republican, except Trump, would beat Biden. The Democrats, as long as the GOP voters do NOT choose Trump as the nominee, would stop ballot-harvesting. Zuckerberg and his ilk would stop their takeover of local election offices (to use them as Democrat GOTV operations). Big-Tech and the Regime-media would stop censoring and whitewashing all the Biden malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. The Deep State would stop interfering in elections.

If only you stupid, ignorant, really, really, really dumb voters would listen to Mikey and the other high-intellect GOP-“leaders” it would be morning in America again:

Here’s the irony: Democrats want Trump on the ballot. If there were a real chance Republicans would abandon him for an unindicted, non-Trump alternative, they would be the first to panic. There is only one Republican in the field that Joe Biden can beat. And based on the latest polls, Biden could even lose to Trump, too.

Here’s the REAL IRONY: If you believe a word off Mikey’s propaganda/conspiracy-theory masquerading as “analysis” then you are as really, really, really dumb as Mikey believes most GOP voters are.
